My hatch won't stay closed


Oct 8, 2005
The bushing on the hatch striker has dry rotted and fallen apart. I currently have a piece of rubber hose fastened where the old plastic used to be, but I have to replace that every other week because it rips. Ford tells me they've discontinued that piece in 2001. Auto shops don't have it. 5.0 resto has them for the door, but not for the hatch. Where can I find one? If I can't buy the right piece, will the door piece work?
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I didin't call their reps. I ordered a catalog from 5.0 resto and went through it. I found the striker, but no bushing. In the door section I found the striker and the bushing. So far as I know, the catalog I have and the catalog on line are the same thing, right?
I'd order the whole thing, but my uncle (owned the car before I did) ordered did that very thing, and the sent him the striker without the bushing. That was worthless cuz the only thing it needs is the bushing. :bang:
Yes, once I find a donor... but it will probably be just as old as my car, and that piece will probably fall apart shortly after moving it... but I am looking in that direction. I was just looking to see what solutions others had used... so far, all I have is electrical tape :D
I believe that the door bushing may work for the hatch.If not go to the auto parts store and go in the help section,they have a pack of like 10 different size bushings in one box cost about 7.00 i think.If that dont work electrical tape :nice:
maybe ur uncle just got ripped, cuz my mother in law just got me one for my 88, new striker and bushing , it wasnt that bad of a price either , i think like 20 bucks or, so, i would go to ur local ford dealer and try again. if u want pm me and i can get u one and u can just paypal me the money.let me know, im always down with helping a fellow stanger. anthony