My streak is over...


Founding Member
Aug 18, 2002
I just got my first ticket in almost 5 years (last one was Oct of '99) I went out of town to a friend's house for the fourth and on the way I got pulled over by one of Tennessee's finest. I was west bound on I-40 headed towards the Knoxville area when I passed a state trooper hidden away in the median. He got me doing 82 in a 70. I was quite surprised however by his politeness. He approache dme, told me what the exact violation was and took my license. When we were scrabling to find the insurance card (prrof of ins is now required for ALL vehicles in TN) he said he'd check for it in a minute. When he came back with the paperwork, I told him I left my current card on the kitchen table and that the most recent one I had expired 3 months ago. He responded by saying that that was cool and just to get my new card in the car. Then he told me if I showed up for court instead of paying it off, he'd be happy to "work with me". He was definitely an angel compared to other trooper stories I've heard, but I still question how much he can really "work with me" in court.

Just figured I'd share my little ticket story since I've seen a few lately, but also to show that not ALL troopers are @$$ holes.
The ticket was for speeding; he didn't care about the insurance. I just got off the phone with one of the GEneral Sessions clerks and she said that even though my ticket is not in the system yet, with the $10 increase that went into effect on July 1, she would guesstimate around $170. Thats the part that has me pretty pissed. In my home town, the minimum ticket is $35, then its $3 for every mile your over. That means if I would have gotten that ticket in the city, it would have only been $71.
MarvinMyCat said:
I'll bet! Did he tell you that you had a real purdy mouth too?

More neagtive Trader Rating Feedback, PLEASE!!!!!

Actually, I think he meant it, but the only problem is he'll never remember me if I decide to go to court, which isn't scheduled until Aug 25.

:OT: Whats up with your trader rating? I'm guessing you boys don't take that too serious, huh?
97v6Silver said:
pigs = teh looz!


Obviously, I'm teh looz.

The "powers that be" that define the actual penalties and fees and whatnot are truly teh looz, not the people paid to enforce them. (at least most of them).

It happens to everyone. My ATF internship supervisor got stopped by some rookie for speeding and the kid gave him a ticket. Even though there's generally some professional courtesy shown in those situations, he didn't get mad b/c he knew the kid had a job to do. Of course making the $$$ he makes, a I should ask him to pay my ticket.

See if I'm driving around and I stop at a stop sign for 2 seconds, and I get pulled over and a get a ticket cause "I didn't stop for a whole 3" I'd be more pissed than ever. But if I'm doing 80 on a 65 and I get pulled over and a ticket, how can I be mad? I was doing something wrong, I know it, everybody else knows it, the law says don't go that fast, so I have to suffer the concecuences if I do and I get caught.
it just makes me mad when people make fun of cops and put them down and stuff, because, yeah maybe there's some out there that may abuse their power and do some stupid things, but they're all humans, people just like u and me, and are out there ACTUALLY trying to make things better for you and me to be able to be safe.
I'd give anything to be a Florida State Trooper.
I got pulled over the other day for being an idiot. (donut in parking lot one else was around but my friend and I. He couldn't do one and i laughed at him and showed him how to do it...only to get pulled over by the cop that had heard him trying a minute ago and headed our direction) But I talked my way out of it. Hint to you guys who get tickets. try and get someone else to make fun of you while the cop is sitting there. I have found they take pity on those who already being made fun of. 3rd pull over in a row i didnt get a ticket for. This is over like a period of 2 years.
Keep on keepin' on
Do you get points on your license? I'm not worried about the speeding ticket fees. It's the fact that if I go 25 or more over the limit in PA I lose my license, and even if you go like 5 above you get like 3 points. It's a bunch of bull$h*t
szer0 said:
Do you get points on your license? I'm not worried about the speeding ticket fees. It's the fact that if I go 25 or more over the limit in PA I lose my license, and even if you go like 5 above you get like 3 points. It's a bunch of bull$h*t

if I'm not mistaken, in Florida for speeding you get 3 points on your licence.
DcDisturbed947 said:
if I'm not mistaken, in Florida for speeding you get 3 points on your licence.

not if you got to traffic school. which you get no points if you do.
my last tick was 2 years ago i was going east bound 595. needless to say it was dark as can be and i gun it. at that same moment i didnt notice i had passed a non reflective paint camaro... turns out it was fhp. boy did i feel like an ass at that point. what happened was i scared the crap out of the trooper when i gunned it (benefit of open exhaust). he even talk smack with me how he could smoke me. (which was true) we even talked about his camaro 0-100 in 9 secs. all in all he wasnt an ass about it he was actually pretty cool about it. i havent had one since that.