New and Photos Of My Car

Thanks guys as you probably all have the same feeling with your car its my baby. Car has been through alot though, where I live has been ****ty for vandalism and such just the general city is out of control, finally got a 2 way alarm, but its just unreal what people do for ****s and giggles.

LOVE the color, my dad had that same thing on his 89. thats my favorite out of all of them. and honestly my gf asked me if i orgasmed after i saw the first pic of your car, then i scrolled down and wanted to puke. find those fuggers and hang them, after some public flogging. if your in my area call me ill help. lol
Thanks guys! Damn vandals hey! Ya I got the color idea from another stang I saw in a mag. I wanted to stick with the two tone though, for some reason I like the grey.
