New Camera, NEW VIDS!!


Founding Member
Sep 25, 2002
Ravena, NY
Just got a Casio Exilim EX-s500 so I though I would try some video with it. Not sure if I know how to post vids but here goes!

The first vid is a very bad power brake, I am not that good at it. I have only power braked this car like 3 times (usually don't do burnouts). it seemed like when I pressed the brakes the car hardly had any and it kept rolling forward. Is this because I was into the boost and not vacuum.

The second vid is just me turning around, nothig special.
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Nice! The problem you had with the car not wanting to sit still was that you need to be quicker in getting your foot onto the brake.

WTH is this for sale crap in your signature???
Okay, okay, yes I am going to buy a Terminator (good call), but I am just BSing. Its not for sale. Just wanted to see how long I could get away with putting that in my sig before someone noticed. Thanks to Paul, it only lasted a few hours.

As for the 03 Cobra, I have started shopping around to see whats out there but it won't be this year, it will probably be next year. Next year sounds like a long time, but really it will come quickly, especially if I am busy with my current cobra. Also being the 95 cobra doesn't own me anything I will be keeping it when I purchase the 03. Two cobras, one garage, SWEET!!
Hell yeah........two snakes in the garage..........I was just talking to my brother tonight about the "T"....he has the 2005 GT and I was trying to talk him into getting one........only thing that would bite would be the insurance but old people like us don't have it so