New K-member and alignment probs...


Founding Member
Sep 3, 2001
Northern VA
Well I finished the engine, everything runs well. I also installed the Hal K-member. I work at a tire shop so i tried to align it the other day. As usual after a suspension install the toe and camber were out and adjusted fine. However, i could not for the life of me get the caster in line.

Any suggestions? Tips? WIll this effect my handling?
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Had the same problem. You either need caster camber plate or you need to elongate the K member mounting bolt holes and push the K member foreward. If you don't it'll handle poorly and be really twitchy and want to follow grooves in the road. Been there, done that.

Ranchero has it dead on. I did the lowering springs, and had to get cc plates to get the alignment. You could try elongating the holes first, or just go for the plates. If you have a shop available, you could probably estimate the amount you need to move, pull the bolts, grind the holes, an re install it and be right there.
I have the CC plates, i guess im gonna loosten the k-member bolts and push it all the way forward and try to realign it. What i did the first time was to measure the front to back and across measurements for the k-member to get it aligned. Should i just forget that and push the k-member forward?