New member saying hi

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There are a few rules to be aware of when becoming a member of Stangnet...

1. Your car WILL get photochopped (I see that has already happened).
2. There is HEAVY sarcasm thrown about here so watch where you step :D
3. As long as you don't add 20" spinners, a wing higher than the roofline of your car, or wierd body kits, you and your car will always be welcome.

As long as these rules sound ok to you, come on in and have fun :SNSign:
aaron11272 said:
1. Your car WILL get photochopped (I see that has already happened).
yup... me and strype are typically the ones to do this :D

Watch out for him... and Dman's dog... they're crazy... like ray lewis crazy... never take your eyes off them...