New Track times


New Member
Aug 3, 2003
Okay, so I went drag racing tonight. The track was rubbish, the best 60' I could pull was a 2.468. My best time was a 14.958 and 97.43MPH. My reaction time on this one was 1.029, so that accounts a little bit, I think they were taking them into account.

Anyway, this wasn't as fast as I wanted, but if I could have hooked up for rubbish my times would have been a little better.
On my second run 14.963 at 97.23mph...I was running with a 96 Cobra(I don't know what mods had ben done), anyway, I missed my 2-3 shift whn he pulled away and ended up winning by .4172s.

I am guessing that the R/Ts made a difference because on my third run(the best one) my R/T was slower, but my 60' was better and I didn't miss any shifts and it felt like a great run, but I only ran .05s faster.

Hah, anyway...
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DE-03GT said:
r/t's have absolutly nothing to do with et's. Thoses 60 footers are killing ya

Something else was up though.

2nd run, 2.5 60'. Missed my 2-3 shift. Ran 14.963 ---R/T of.711
3rd run, 2.4 60'. Great shifting. Ran 14.958 ----R/T of 1.029

The tree fired different too.

Went pre-stage, stage...then the three vertical yellow fired then green..I guess to simulate street racing or something.
You could use some DR some drag springs and UCA's & LCA's. Most people think more HP the faster the slips. But I have been beaten by cars with ALOT less HP because of my 60foot times. I have a supercharged gt and put down 350rwhp but I am consistantly pulling 13.6 - 13.7 @ 104mph. That is with 2.4 60ft times.

Just improve the launch by making some suspension changes and you should be in the 13's. Goodluck
you need to work on your launches, and your shift points. wherever you're shifting you're out of your powerband (which is evidenced by your traps.)

look at your dyno sheet and shift 10% above peak hp. just work on getting off the line with minimal tirespin, and executing clean, fast shifts.

if you've only raced a few times before don't sweat it, you more you race the better you'll get.

I have made 11 total passes. Up in Salt Lake, where I race and live, I was able to get 2.1 60's on street tires. Down in Vegas where these slips are from the best I did was the 2.4xx.

And "RED98Z28 - Yesterday at 03:18 PM
the reaction time has nothing to do with ets and the reason why you ran faster the 2nd time was because ur 60 was better...just out of curiousity what do u own?"

I missed the shift on my second run, the 14.963. The third run, the perfect run with the slower r/t I ran 14.958. I don't get it.I have a 96' GT with the mods in my sig, I will run it again..anyone else want to poke fun?
R/Ts are irrelevant to E/T, so ignore them from now on. Take your time leaving the line, just worry about getting rolling as fast as possible, without blowing the tires away.

Look at your dyno sheets and shift 10% above peak hp. All I can say is practice, practice, practice. I ran consistent 15.1s in my car when it was almost stock, and through practice I dropped over half a second (down to 14.5) and gained over 3mph just by playing with shift points and getting more familiar with racing.
Anytime your combo changes its a whole new learning curve, so don't sweat it, just keep practicing.

NitroDuck said:
R/Ts are irrelevant to E/T, so ignore them from now on. Take your time leaving the line, just worry about getting rolling as fast as possible, without blowing the tires away.

Look at your dyno sheets and shift 10% above peak hp. All I can say is practice, practice, practice. I ran consistent 15.1s in my car when it was almost stock, and through practice I dropped over half a second (down to 14.5) and gained over 3mph just by playing with shift points and getting more familiar with racing.
Anytime your combo changes its a whole new learning curve, so don't sweat it, just keep practicing.

Yeah, this is a whole new set up, and I was really babying the new tranny. First on the list when I get home are some upper and lower control arms, springs, and sub frames, and slicks ;)

If my hp peaks at 5500 rpm, what am I shifting at?
you're peaking at 5500rpms? damn, that must be one hell of a port job.

i'd shift at redline if you're peaking there. alot of it will be you playing with different shift points. start and redline, and lower it slightly from run to run, and see what works the best for both e/t and traps. thats what i do now, and what i did pre-headswap (because i didnt have dyno data then.)
