Northeast Factory Stock Drag Race

This is starting to shape up well.

It looks like (Primedia) the company that prints most of the auto magazines you see on the racks in stores, is going to give us some good coverage of this event, so bring down that street rules LEGAL car and maybe you'll get in a magazine or two.
We are starting up a picture post section of the website, if you have registered for this event,
(or are planning to attend) send me a picture of your ride, along with a few comments about it. Such as

what engines in it
What class you intend to run in
How long you have had it
How you got it
have you raced before
etc.etc... actually any short description would be fine

Should have the picture posts section up in a few weeks. Your car will be seen by 100's of visitors a day, and will be sure to get the notice of some magazine writers who plan on attending the event.
Please email these to me ..Thanks

July 24th, Raceway Park, Englishtown, NJ