Oil Dipstick Broke In Block Now What?

Black 93 Fox

Active Member
Jun 1, 2003
I broke the oil dipstick and part of it is still in the block. It broke right after the second line at the end of the metal tube. Is there any way to get it out with out having to take off the oil pan? By the way it broke flush with the block so I can grab it with pliers or anything im worried that the metal tube will fall in the oil pan and then get into my connecting rod's and what not.

Thanks, Black 93 Fox
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Yeah, there's a way. I did this a few months back, and I've helped a few guys in the same boat since. Take what's left of your dipstick to Home Depot. Get a lag bolt that fits inside the broken end very snugly. Go home with the bolt, and bolt it into the hole where the dipstick was, and where the piece is. Once it's in there good and snug, get a hammer and a long flathead screwdriver. Put the tip of the screwdriver under the head of the bolt (leave a little room when you screw it in so you can do this). Hit the screwdriver's handle with the hammer, and the bolt should come out with the piece wrapped around it. That's what I did, and that's what a few people who I've helped did, no problems. One thing: Don't get a bolt that's too big, there's a slight risk of cracking the block if you force something down in there too hard. Get one that can be hand screwed into the dipstick, but can't be pulled out. As long as it grabs the inside, you'll be all set.
that could work, but you have to be careful not to warp the hole on the block, because if you screw it up, you'll leak oil. Also, how did you get pliars in there? I Barely had enough room for my hand from below, and I couldn't get it from the top because of my header.
astronut1885 said:
that could work, but you have to be careful not to warp the hole on the block, because if you screw it up, you'll leak oil. Also, how did you get pliars in there? I Barely had enough room for my hand from below, and I couldn't get it from the top because of my header.

I don't think you have to worry about warping -- it's cast iron.

All it took was a little screwdriver and a couple taps with a hammer...it's just aluminum (at least I think it was). Just enough to get a long pair of needlenose pliers in and it popped right out.
I got it out took some thinking put I got it out. I used a metal coat hanger and made it into one long pice and bent the end of it into a v shape then shoved it down the oil dipstick hole and fished around waiting for it to grab the lip of what was left of the stick and it finaly did then pulled real hard and it came out took a couple of time but it worked. Thanks for you help, all else fails post on stangnet. :nice:

Black 93 Fox