

New Member
May 29, 2004
I have a bit of a problem and was wondering if anyone has an awnser to it? I had recently bought a vortech and while running it pretty hard I managed to blow a head gasket in the process. Well I started tearing my motor down and right as I pulled up the distributor a piece of tape that had dropped down there against the distributor about a month ago fell into the distributor hole. Well I thought there was going to be good news that maybe the tape stopped on top where I could get it but instead it dropped down into my timing chain and gears and asuming maybe went as far as the oil pan. I dont want to take my motor out of my car because all I was doing was a simple head gasket swap. What can I do? Any help I will really appreciate it....CHris
Well, it could either get cut up and end up in the oil filter.

Or it could block off some lines and burn up your motor.

It would take some perfect placement for it to block something off, and it would have to be pretty big though.

What kind of tape and how much?
Drain the oil. Pour some kerosene down through the dist hole, until that kero sweeps the tape to the drain plug opening. Use a small screwdriver or something to pull the tape out. It's worth a try.
I like reddys idea....but yea wat kinda tape was it, thats kinda important too. If its scotch or masking tape I bet you could run the motor for a bit and change the oil and be fine. If it was duct tape or something you may not wanna risk running the motor on that.