OT- Weightlifters


I'm the bastard love child of a threesome gone awr
Jun 4, 2004
Colorado Springs, CO
No gettin your butt off the couch isn't weightlifting...

Anyway... Have any of you local (SEATAC-Olympia area) guys or gals tried the Super Squat Routine? Here's the jist Take however much you squat for 10 reps and do it for 20. And that's it. Maybe some bench presses and bent over rows on off days, but other than that all you're supposed to do is have 2qts of milk a day and eat a lot of whole foods and you can gain about 30lbs of muscle in 6wks. Oh yeah, almost forgot. You also have to add 5lbs to the barbell each squat workout and do the workout 2-3 times a week. which means if you squat 200lbs for 20 reps the first workout, in six weeks you should be squatting at least 255 for 20 reps or up to 285 for 20 reps...

I started it today. 225lbs for 20reps. I thought I wouldn't make it. Then I thought I was gonna puke. Then I thought I was gonna pass out. I couldn't believe that my forearms were doing the herkyjerk after the workout. All I did was squats!!! I can't wait to see if this pans out.

It was a great feeling re-rackin' that weight. for the accomplishment and for gettin the weight off my back...

I'll keep you updated...
Good luck with the workout. I'm skeptical....very...but hey I've been wrong before. I can see getting some gains, especially in leg strength since your doing something different and you're focusing on that area, but 30lbs of muscle in just over 2 months? PM me and let me know how it went at the end. If I'm wrong, I'll try it.
If you dont puke on legs day, and at least get to the "leaning over the trash spitting alott" on back day, YOU ARENT LIFTING HARD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats just my .02, but then some people find me kind of.... well, kinda..... um, ..."intense". (in the gym any-way)


My personal favorite: do 21s with squats. I.E. take your normal 8-10 rep weight, then do 7 reps half way down (just shy of parallel) then do 7 from bottomed out (hamstrings against calves) to half way up, then do 7 full reps. If you dont puke after 3 sets of these.... youre not human.
Cue-Ball said:
20 rep squats three times per week is probably going to cause overtraining in a hurry. Most of the guys I've talked to that are big into weightlifting only do 20 reppers to get through a plateau.

Fail fast, learn fast. Only doin' the squats twice a week. Mon and Thurs. I tried it again yesterday and got to 18 before my wife totally distracted me unexpectedly. Nothing like having 230 slidin' off your back on rep 19...

I plan on doing the Squats supersetted with Pullovers on M and TH followed by Bench and Bent over rows on Tu and Fr. Goin' pretty good so far though...

I've never had such a good pump in my whole legs and glutes, though. the quads and hams are rock solid without flexing for about 15mins after the workout...

And I know about the overtraining, but I'm a procrastinator and lose interest pretty if I don't feel challenged. So needless to say I've never really stuck to working out for more than a month... But priorities change with time.

Now I'm taking supplement, Multivitamin and eatin lots of good food. So Hopefully I'll with a little discipline I'll reap the rewards of this thing and then can go back to "normal" workouts when these gains taper off...

But then again, I wonder what will be considered normal when I'm squattin' 300 for 20 reps (my Goal)...
I've been lifting for a long, long time and recently competing in powerlifting. Your workout sounds pretty intense...at the end start increasing the weight and decreasing the reps until you're doing doubles or singles. I think you'll be surprised how much you can do. If your are really eager to gain though, don't overlook your diet.

You can kill yourself in the gym, but if you're not eating the right stuff, you're pretty much wasting your time. Be sure to take in (at least) one gram of protien/day for each pound of body weight. If you weigh 220lbs, consume at a minimum 220 grams and ideally 300+. Steak is good, but I if you getting up there in years, it can really have an affect cholestorol (sp?). I weigh 210 and have a 40gram protien shake in the morning, 2 chicken breasts for a second breakfast (about 40grams); salmon for lunch (40grams); a 40gram protien shake & 5 grams of creatine post workout; either fish or more chicken breasts for dinner (60grams); and one more 40 gram shake before bed. While I've always been pretty intense in the gym, it wasn't until I put as much effort into what I eat that I really saw big gains.