Engine Pcv delete questions


Active Member
Aug 17, 2020
So I recently purchased a 1992 gt. I just got the car running and have been tuning it up. I went to replace the Pcv valve and crank case filter but then noticed that the T that the Pcv valve line goes into was covered off and the hole the line was supposed to go into on the right side of the intake manifold did not have anything going in it. The car has an x303 cam and “mainly cobra parts in the top end” according to the previous owner. It has a cobra intake manifold. My question is should I keep it the way it is, is it better off deleted? Or should I buy the tube that is missing and replace the valve and filter as I planned. The engine doesn’t even have a breather on it like I know people usually do when they delete the Pcv system. Here’s some pics to show you what I’m talking about. I know it’s hard to see but in the second picture you can see that T fitting that has them been covered on the right side and in the third pic you can see how there is no tube going in the hole. Any info will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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If you're talking about the plug in the upper intake that is above the valve cover, that is where it's supposed to go but some times you need to get a spacer to raise the upper to make room for a fitting, as long as it is attached to a vacuum port it will work fine.
If you're talking about the plug in the upper intake that is above the valve cover, that is where it's supposed to go but some times you need to get a spacer to raise the upper to make room for a fitting, as long as it is attached to a vacuum port it will work fine.
Ok so then I guess it must go into a vacuum port because if they all were truly deleted with no breathers anywhere then I would get leaks correct? I guess I’ll just change the Pcv valve and the filter as I was going to since I assume that other line in the T valve is going to a vacuum port. Thanks
I would pull the upper and replace the rubber vacuum lines, if you can route the pcv line where it's supposed to go do it, you'll be surprised at difference when you replace those hard, brittle vacuum lines with good tight fitting stuff.
I would pull the upper and replace the rubber vacuum lines, if you can route the pcv line where it's supposed to go do it, you'll be surprised at difference when you replace those hard, brittle vacuum lines with good tight fitting stuff.
so I was able to find the fitting on eBay I’m just looking for the tube now. I’ll check when I get home if there is enough clearance for the fitting like you said. Yea whenever I take the upper off I’ll for sure change all those old tubes
The pcv and the cam are unrelated things, one does not eliminate the need for the other and neither will be the cause of 'blowby'
Not having a PCV system will cause blowby,
If you are going to be working on your stang stick with us, we can help you do it right without all the bs the interwebs can provide.
Well, there is some bs here but it's all in fun.
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The pcv and the cam are unrelated things, one does not eliminate the need for the other and neither will be the cause of 'blowby'
Not having a PCV system will cause blowby,
If you are going to be working on your stang stick with us, we can help you do it right without all the bs the interwebs can provide.
Well, there is some bs here but it's all in fun.
Sounds good thanks man. I’ll head over to autozone and buy some Pcv tubing to reattach that connection
I would follow the pcv vac line that is connected and make sure it is to vacuum and if it is then your good. The fitting on the bottom above the valve cover is often not used due to clearance issues with various valve covers
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So I just ordered the fitting that connects to the manifold since it looks like I have plenty of clearance for it to fit. The hole it goes in currently has this piece in it. Is that what the fitting attaches to or did the person who plugged it put that?