So I recently purchased a 1992 gt. I just got the car running and have been tuning it up. I went to replace the Pcv valve and crank case filter but then noticed that the T that the Pcv valve line goes into was covered off and the hole the line was supposed to go into on the right side of the intake manifold did not have anything going in it. The car has an x303 cam and “mainly cobra parts in the top end” according to the previous owner. It has a cobra intake manifold. My question is should I keep it the way it is, is it better off deleted? Or should I buy the tube that is missing and replace the valve and filter as I planned. The engine doesn’t even have a breather on it like I know people usually do when they delete the Pcv system. Here’s some pics to show you what I’m talking about. I know it’s hard to see but in the second picture you can see that T fitting that has them been covered on the right side and in the third pic you can see how there is no tube going in the hole. Any info will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.