picked up a new motor!!!

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god damnit! how do you tell if you have a 4 banger tranny? part #, i turn 2400 rpm at 70-72 mph with my 327 gear. If i had 430's definitely would be near 4 grand. so thats why i was thinking that. funny,now he should go with 410's? instead of the 456's you said earlier.
89white50 said:
god damnit! how do you tell if you have a 4 banger tranny? part #, i turn 2400 rpm at 70-72 mph with my 327 gear. If i had 430's definitely would be near 4 grand. so thats why i was thinking that. funny,now he should go with 410's? instead of the 456's you said earlier.

If you read, he said he was changing the intake to a MUCH smaller one (carb victor jr to an EFI RPM II) and possibly changing the cam to a smaller one. He won't need as much gear now.

You must havea shorter tire height to be revving that high with only 3.27's. Or you have a steeper gear then you think.