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HAHAHAHAHAHA!! anyone else find this hilarious?

I thought pimp my ride was for poor college students? And if you had a nice blue paint job, and a built engine why did your car need to be pimped? Did they make you fake the act or did you actually pretend you liked it, I call
It is obvious that other people have different tastes than I do. All I can say is that someone actually paid good money to have that done?
Demented5oh said:
Damn you guys are a gullable crowd.

At least you caught on. I have yet to see a cool car on this show. It's the most worthless show yet. Nvidia, knows these guys? Why don't you show them how to work on a car then? I don't think putting T.V's on a quad and girly paint jobs on cars shows any skills. I was basically making fun of the show because they ruin a lot of cars. Nvida, show me one good ride from the show that doesn't involve huge wheels, gay paint jobs and queer interior with a bunch of pull crap electronics. These guys are an embarrassment to cars. If you watch OVERHAULIN, you'll notice guys make comments about pimp my ride and how they are glad they had chip foose instead.

I feel sorry for you. These guys have already ruined a real fox. I think you need to eat your words and go down there and slap them. Gold and red interior and no motor work. These guys suck bad...
Killer50stang said:
I feel sorry for you. These guys have already ruined a real fox. I think you need to eat your words and go down there and slap them. Gold and red interior and no motor work. These guys suck bad...
That wasnt GAS that did that car.... that was West Coast Customs
I watched an episode the other night with some pickup truck they were doing a stopping test in an alley. Well next to their shop in the alley was a fox mustang in all primer parked there. It had no wing on the hatch but it had a saleen rear bumper on it. So they do work on fox mustangs.
This is the dumbest thread ever, At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

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