Pvc off smoke out da oil filler. vid

Dec 5, 2006
Hey guys , wonder if yea can give me any advice on whats going on or whats the next steps to take , oil on #3#4 plugs , check my valve seals and there good but still smokes , as soon as i remove the pvc from the intake i get smoke coming out the oil filler neck but when i re attach it its fine.

Don't mind the chatter , it the rockers
mustang :: AMBA0029.mp4 video by saw426 - Photobucket

I'm pretty sure i have my lines all in order. Also got an oil catch can installed.

I made a thread earlier on called
What he said...

With the pcv attached, you are using engine vac to pull the gasses from the crankcase. disconnect the pcv and the gasses are free to vent via the filler neck...

good luck,