question about load in the spark and fuel tables


Jan 11, 2007
Hayden, AL
I have been looking at the spark base table and fuel table stabilized ol on my j4j1 bin and I noticed the load only goes up to .7999 in the spark table but goes up to 1 in the fuel table. Why is this?

I am not making any changes to the fuel tables yet because I don't have a wideband but I want to understand these small things a little better before I get into that part of tuning. So far my only changes from the stock j4j1 tune has been disabling the egr, thermactor, and the tip in retard and also bumping the timing in the spark base table to 32 from 2500 rpm up. I disabled the borderline and other spark tables so the base table is the only one being used. Just doing these small things have made the car much more responsive and it feels quicker but I haven't gotten to the track to see if any real gains have been made. I want to get a wideband and a few other things efore to long so I can really do some serious tuning.

thanks guys,

Much talk has been done on the .org site about load so you can spend a lot of
time reading up on it for more details over there.

My focus has always been on a NA application so I've not seen the need
to hose around with the load factors like the forced induction folks are
forced to do.

My combo will not produce more than around 125 on the load scale

Why one table is scaled at 20% less than the other
Your guess is as good as mine

My take on the tables that are load based is ..........

The top row is max load no matter what the value of scaling might be
I use it for WOT tuning

I can tell you this about the spark table

Years ago
When I was profusely dripping behind my self tuning ears
I was trying to get a handle on how to make my spark values
I called for to be displayed in my datalogs

After I found valid info on the 4 spark tables in CBAZA pcm's

I got exactly the values in my datalogs I called for at WOT conditions

Now ... I wanted to know just how much of a load I had to place upon
things to find the point of when the values in the next to greatest load
row were gonna be used.

I made that row something different than the greatest load row

I was really blown away
at how little throttle it took to evoke that lower valued row

IIRC it was no more than like 65 to 70% of throttle from a stop sign

Don't know if this stuff helps you to relate ... but hey ... Its Free

Thanks Grady you explained excatly what I was wanting to know. I was wondering if the top load row was wide open throttle in each table or if I would ever make it to that 1 value in the fuel table if I only changed the top row numbers. Like I said earlier I don't have any plans to mess with these until I have a wideband but I wanted to know for future referance.

I have went to the .org site several times but I have a hard time finding information there. I guess I just need to look more. I think that if they organized the site a lttle better for the different stratigies it would make it a little better for newbs such as me. Such as having a cbaza strategy specific forum and so on for the different strategies and a general tuning forum for the universal information. There is a ton info there I know but I get better information here for 94-95 specific stuff.

Glad the info helped you in some way

Some very smart peeps on the .org site

You gotta really focus in with your Keywords in your searches for
the best results

Jarad... My Friend
I'm gonna do something for you now
That is ... I'm gonna tell you the absolute truth

Nobody has ever written a book on tuning a 94-95 Stang
Most likely ... nobody ever will

Wes has gathered up some info
Greg has put together some stuff
I have done a bit as well


If you are expecting more!

Well ... Your name is Alice
You really do live in Wonder Land

I ain't being negative here
I'm being realistic

You gotta dig for the good stuff :Word:
Put it on your hard drive in easy to find folders as you run across it

Its a plan that helped me a good bit to take control of my efforts
with more effectiveness cause I had the info easily available

Yes ... one complaint I got with the .org site is how those guys respond
to Q's with what seems like total disregard to different pcm families

You can really be mis lead if you are not careful

If I could offer you some advice to keep things simple in your efforts

Well ... It would be ... Keep things simple

You got the ability to see and capture to hard drive ... hard data
Use it for all it is worth :Word:

Just get familiar with how it all comes together by doing specific little
things to S E E how the data responds

Simple ... I know ... but ... Very Effective

I'm done rambling now

I believe the fuel tables work off of LOADX whereas the spark (and the vast majority of the other tables) work off of LOAD. LOADX will tend to be higher than LOAD if you have not adjusted the volumetric efficiency tables.

LOADX can be set to equal LOAD (good for boosted cars) by setting the load scaling switch.

You can pick to log LOAD and/or LOADX to see where you're at in your throttle positions.

More information on LOAD(X) as it relates to CBAZA here: Scaling/

Good luck with the tuning - research everything and don't take what others say for granted, do some research and ask questions!

Grady is right on about looking at datalogs. Also look at other people's logs - you'll start to see a lot of trends in the data.

I just hate it when I forget to say something in a post

Notice in the scalars the ... Load Scaling Switch

Notice in the t4m0 the default value is 2

Notice in the j4j1 it has a value of 0

2 will work with a range of 0 to 100%

0 will work with values > 100%

This is one of the M A I N reasons the j4j1 plays nice with h/c/i Stangs

Just a little tid bit
I do feel its pretty important

Thanks guys

I see I still have a lot to learn but I just gotta take it one step at a time.

It looks like I need to do some more datalogging and learn a bit more about these things not to mention doing a few more searches.
Thanks guys

I see I still have a lot to learn but I just gotta take it one step at a time.

It looks like I need to do some more datalogging and learn a bit more about these things not to mention doing a few more searches.

The ... one step at a time thing is ... how to do it for sure

In the early part of your self teaching effort about the pcm ........
Not much of it makes a lot of sense


You gotta stick with it
it C E R T A I N Y - W I L L ... all of a sudden ...

Start to make sense

Just have some fun with it :Word:
