Engine Radiator rubber mounts location?


wrap a little cheese around it and its a done
Oct 4, 2020
Seems as if the two lower radiator rubber mounts are different ??
Spent some time online and could find no answers there on which one goes where??
Could someone on here advise me of the correct way?? Thanks
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They changed a bit over the production years but they should match the seats if they still have the nipples on them, one side should have 2, other only one nipple. Don't have any pics to show it though.
I thought some pics would help clarify my questions...
Pic #1.. The area where the pencil is pointing is larger here on ONE of them, the other ( top one in the pic) one does not have this area...
I believe this goes on the pass side, with the larger area, pointing towards the back of the car... Yes the nipples are good...
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Pic #2.... The hump, where the pencil is pointing, must go towards the inside of the radiator, same as the other side... They would be pointing at each other... correct?? The " nipples " fit correctly when they are set like that.....
The way they are setting in the pic is incorrect for how they should be installed...
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Pic #3
This confused me somewhat.... One end is like this on both of these.. The " lips " hang over the metal keeper on the car...
To install them correctly, one of these points towards the back of the car, the other points forward.... I would have thought they would have both pointed in the same direction??
So far so good?