Drivetrain Rear noise while braking.


15 Year Member
Jun 14, 2007
Hey everyone,

Looking for a little help here. I noticed the other day while braking and coming to a stop I could hear some rear noise. I initially thought loose lug nuts or bent axle.

So I rocked each rear wheel in and out while the car is on the ground and it's making a clunk noise. I can make this happen if pushing on the body of the car as well. Almost like the rear drums are making the sound.

Car is mostly original with 27,700 miles.

Any suggestions?


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Some noise is normal, but it sounds like this is a new noise?
Jack the car up and pull off the drums to see if anything is broken or if you have any fluid leaks...
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Some noise is normal, but it sounds like this is a new noise?
Jack the car up and pull off the drums to see if anything is broken or if you have any fluid leaks...
I'm honestly not sure if this is a new noise. I barely drive this car. The only reason that I heard it the other day is because I had the stereo volume way down.

I've only driven this car maybe 200-300 miles since I bought it a couple years ago. I did add 17" pony wheels a couple years ago.
The axle shafts do move in and out slightly. It's even more exaggerated as the clutch packs wear. Front and back clunk could be slop in the universals

Does the noise go away if you set the parking brake hard?
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I'd put the rear on jackstands and pull a wheel or both off. Take some large washers and snug a few lugs down and then see if you can pull the axle/drum in and out and replicate the noise.

I bet it's axle movement. There should be some, but not excessive. Usually as the clutch packs wear down, extra space is created so the axles can move side to side more. I forget the spec on max movement however....i'd have o search
I'd put the rear on jackstands and pull a wheel or both off. Take some large washers and snug a few lugs down and then see if you can pull the axle/drum in and out and replicate the noise.

I bet it's axle movement. There should be some, but not excessive. Usually as the clutch packs wear down, extra space is created so the axles can move side to side more. I forget the spec on max movement however....i'd have o search
Thanks for the tips. I'll give that a try. Might have to wait until next week. I have family coming to visit.
I've had some bad drum brakes that would make noise when coming to a stop, I think the drums might have been warped. It would make a rhythmic soft clunking noise whenever I had the brakes applied lightly at low speed and you could feel it too.

Could also maybe be a bad bushing or spring isolator.
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If your brakes all checkout and you don't find anything wrong then it's time to take a look at the upper and lower control arm bushings.

You say the cars sits a lot. If those bushing are original, they're likely dry rotted. Same with the shock, quad-shock, and stabilizer bar bushings.
Suspension components all look original. Still rocking the OEM spark plug wires as well.
Hey everyone,

Looking for a little help here. I noticed the other day while braking and coming to a stop I could hear some rear noise. I initially thought loose lug nuts or bent axle.

So I rocked each rear wheel in and out while the car is on the ground and it's making a clunk noise. I can make this happen if pushing on the body of the car as well. Almost like the rear drums are making the sound.

Car is mostly original with 27,700 miles.

Any suggestions?
Since you added 17” Pony wheels, it’s possible the wheels are hitting the quad shocks. I reversed my quad shocks for clearance when I put my 17” X 9” Pony wheels on the rear.

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Since you added 17” Pony wheels, it’s possible the wheels are hitting the quad shocks. I reversed my quad shocks for clearance when I put my 17” X 9” Pony wheels on the rear.

I checked clearance while the car is at a stand still and it looks fine. Maybe while I'm driving it's rubbing. I'll double check.