revenge is sweet, need suggestions

dress up like "Dog the bounty hunter" and chase her down the street lol

Haha, that made me think of the South Park episode... (Go with God, Brah)

You should fork her lawn. Get a couple of your buddies and at like 2 in the morning stick as many plastic forks upside down into her lawn as you can. She will come out the next morning like WTF? It is absolutely meaningless but ends up being funny.

If she doesn't have a lawn..... PIIHB, its the only option you have left...
I always liked drawing a big set of bewbies on the rear window with shoe polish, then a caption bubble on the drivers side of the windshield that says " I smoke c**K"
Put on a ski mask and wait for her to come out of her house at night. Than jump out in front of her with no pants on and confess your undying love for her. If she doen't shoot you, or laugh at your undersized "fishing pole", she's a keeper.

If you spew and she blows was never meant to be.
when i was in the navy. there was a girl with one of those tiny 3 cyl geo metro's. we used to get drunk on friday night at the barracks. wait for her to go inside. pick her car up and turn it sideways in her parking spot. she couldnt get out because there were cars in both parking spots beside her.would come out in the morning. she would come out the next morning see it. and bust out laughing. she knew we did it. and know we were just joking so she didnt get base police involved. she just came and woke us up out of our hangovers. and made us turn it back. one time we even sat it on the stairs to her barracks. so once you came out the building. you were walking right into her car. we told her to buy a bigger car, lol.
I'm assuming you are looking for a harmless idea, and unless you have experience, PIIHB is not really harmless.

How about this; get the Sunday paper a few weeks in a row. Inside should be all kinds of offers for random junk mail. Pull these things out, address the info requests to her, and send them off. Most of these are postage pre-paid so you don't even have to pay for that. Magazine subscriptions, videos for exercise equipment, time shares, comfortable shoes, etc. When I did this there was an ad for cremation services and I wrote across the postcard "Please Hurry!!". My buddy was buried under piles of junk mail. This works online too: Capital One for example.

Have fun.
Go to the HD and get a long zip tie from the electrical dept and put it around her cars driveshaft. No will be done but it will make all kinds of racket. The big ones are usually good to around 60 mph before they come off.
I think the forking thing is awesome! Just make sure you go by the house the next day while she's pulling all the forks out and just point and laugh like the kid from the Simpsons, HA HA!
thats awesome.. i would laugh my ass off to find my car covered with post its. they are so evenly spaced too haha.. she took some time there!

I agree. That's actually pretty damn funny and doesn't really damage anything. I would have gotten a laugh out of it.

What you could do back that wouldn't damage anything?? Hmm...
Or once when I was in highschool I got a big box of rubberbands from sam's and threw them on this girl's driveway. The problem is you can't sweep them up. They just roll over so they have to be picked up.

thats pretty funny right there....

im glad she didnt egg it or something becasue then PIIHB would be the only answer. ..

i say seran wrap, on a day before its supposed to get hott. then you got shrink wrap.