Ricer Story. You guys will LOVE the ending. ;-)


Active Member
Feb 3, 2004
New Jersey
So I'm on my way home from work about an hour ago. At this one street I turn onto, this ricer in a like an 89 civic pulls out before me, so now he's right in front of me. He gets all hopped up over my car and won't stop reving. Farts EVERYWHERE. I'm on my way home from work, I'm tired, and I don't wanna play. I do nothing to antagonize thim.

About 200 feet up the road, we both make a left off onto this residential road. He turns off before me while I wait for 4 more cars to pass. While I'm waiting to turn, I see him rev out 1st, shift hard and chirp/peel out 2nd. By the end of his uber 2nd gear burnout, I'm now on the road. He's in 2nd and he's by no means looking to stop. I never hear him let off the gas (as he farted all the way through 2nd now and is I'd say mid through 3rd). He's probably going 70+ on a 25mph, HIGH density road full of kids. It's 2 streets away from my house.

I'm just crusin', goin 25-30 watching McDouchebag race himself when a car pulls out of one of the sidestreets in front of him. I hear a screeeeeech, smoke from the rear (obviously no ABS and he locked the SOBs up HARD), then BLAM! He CRUSHED the rear end of this accord. TOTALLY F'ing SMASHED this car. When his car finally stopped sideways in the road, the passenger gets out screaming and jumping like his feet were on fire. Idk what that was all about, but I quickly turned down the first side street, called 911 and proceeded home.

Counted my blessings all the way home that some douchebag 17 yr old doesn't ever smack me or a loved one like that. :nonono:

Sometimes it's scary how dumb people can get when they see our cars. :shrug:
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Were the innocent people alright? :shrug: It's a shame that they got involved in this only because an asshat wants to double the posted speed limit.

I'm honestly not sure. I didn't get a chance to find out. If I really wanted to I could ask any of the local cops as I know quite a few (gf's father is a local Sergent:nice: )

But double? Nah, try triple. Posted limit is 25 and he was EASILY doing 70+ I'm not familiar with honda motors, but I know he topped 1st and 2nd and was easily mid-high rpms in 3rd with no signs of stopping.

Moral? Don't jeopardize others lives because you're reckless with your own...:nonono:
I saw a young teen in a 5.0 do that to when I wan in my old 99 jeep grand cherokee limited 4.7l. Goes flying pass us in the center divider and runs into the back of a car in the turn lane. We predicted the accident like 10 seconds before it haoppened, but numnuts wanted to pass me and the 4 cars in front of me slowing down for the red light.

Just be glad it wasn't you being hit. Thats all any of us can ask for.
Should definately find out about the victims. Could be a criminal offense, and you are a witness.

Good call. I'll have the gf ask her father tomorrow when he's on duty. :(

As for being thankful it wasn't me, I think that's what scared me the most, is if I even let this prick get to me, I woulda been trailing McDouchebag and well, you know the rest. :notnice:

I get speeding in front of my house all the time. One is this little crapbox Honda. 25MPH limit but they go by at 50. I'm waiting for a nasty wreck. I should sit out there and roll my broken down Probe in front of him.
For sure you did those people a dis-service by not sticking around and being a witness. Regardless of what is easy to prove, having a witness will make it easier for the other people to get their vehicle repaired or compensation (auto and/or medical) when there is a police report and witness statement showing fault. This is especially true since I would have to assume at those speeds, an injury to the occupants of the Accord is most def. a certainty. Try to find out the peeps and submit a witness statement, and since you have the hook-up in terms of law enforcement, you won't get in trouble. Glad you weren't apart of it, but next time go ahead and stop to make sure everyone is okay, and to leave a statement.
I have waited and told the cops when I saw an azzhole cause an accident. It's well worth it.

Let's all be thankful that young ricers with no brains are in love with 4 cyclinder imports and shy away from the far more powerful American V8's.

I had my gf call her father and the cop who's investigating is a good friend in town. I'm giving him my statement tomorrow.

For the record, he has him going 83 in a 25...asshat
I get speeding in front of my house all the time. One is this little crapbox Honda. 25MPH limit but they go by at 50. I'm waiting for a nasty wreck. I should sit out there and roll my broken down Probe in front of him.


Got the same problem infront of my place, speed limit is 25, they go way faster, after i found out that yelling didnt work, I turned to my trusty paintball gun, lit the whole side of his car up, I havent seen the douche since:shrug::D