Scratch repair


New Member
Jun 19, 2003
a couple weeks ago, some one keyed my baby
figured it was some one jealous or something. im not gonna flame about it.
anyone have any suggestions on the best way to fix the scratch, its pretty deep, not quite to the metal, but just buffing wont help it none. thanks.
It will have to be painted. Do you have insurance? If you do it should take care of it, full coverage insurance that is.
wht99gtconv said:
It will have to be painted. Do you have insurance? If you do it should take care of it, full coverage insurance that is.

If nothing else, at least consult with your insurance company about it. I have State Farm and they have a clause for vandalism complaints. If youhave a police report made to document the damage, State farm will NOT require you to pay the deductible. As for a rate increase, I think if you haven't made a claim in awhile and your record is decent, your rates will most likely not be affected. I figure I've been paying for something all these years and never needed it, I might at least want to see if it would be worth it. You might be surprised! Sorry to hear it happened, though