Slotted rotors-can they be turned?


Apr 13, 2005
Seems to be a topic of debate whether you can or not. I just bought some new rotors because my slotted brembo's were warped. So i'm just curious now, if i could have just had them turned for $25 instead of dropping $300 on new rotors and if there is a downside or not to turning slotted rotors.
dammit, the local O'reilly's will do slotted rotors. i could have got away with spending only $30 instead of $300. That sucks. Hopefully the shop still has my old rotors and i can have a backup set or sell them.
The local Car Quest auto parts store will do it over here. They use the flywheel method and they charge quite a bit more for it too. Its normally like 7-8 bux a rotor but for sloted they charge like 25ea.