Somebody should punch me in the face, please.


New Member
Feb 29, 2004
I havent driven my mustang in quite a while. and tonight. i decide to.
blah blah. drive to my friends house. end up goin out that night drinkin, take his truck. blah blah nights over. 95% sober now. could definately pass a blow test, perfectly able to drive. get back to his place. get in my mustang. drive home. listening to loud music. blah blah.

get to my house, and notice my autometer water temp guage is at 245!:notnice:
I forgot to turn on my f#(@cking electric water pump leaving his house. and its like a 12~15 minute drive. ive had this mezeiere(sp?) water pump in the car for probably a year. and this is the first time ive ever forgotten to turn it on. I am so mad at myself its unbelievable.

I immediatley flipped the switches for my electric fan, and water pump. it jumped down to about 210-220 or something instantly. which also isnt good:nonono:
I sat in the car. and waited until it was a little below 190 before i shut everything off and went in the house.

It ran fine all the way home, i just cant believe i didnt notice the entire damn way:shrug:

I really hope i didnt cause any damage to the headgaskets or otherwise.
id say i only have maybe ~1000 miles on them. it would really suck to have to replace them again, if not worse.

Im such a dumbass.

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245 isn't that bad... unless of course you have a *C gauge. Most cars don't turn on the fans until 220*.

Yeah, one thing about heavily modded cars, they arn't just get in and go cars.
oh. before anybody flames me.
I know how bad drinking and driving is. I myself am against it.
my motor skills were 100%. if i felt affected in the slightest i would have stayed on his couch and drove home in the morning.
90mustangGT said:
245 isn't that bad... unless of course you have a *C gauge. Most cars don't turn on the fans until 220*.

Yeah, one thing about heavily modded cars, they arn't just get in and go cars.

I know, i figured it would never slip my mind. its the first thing i do before i even put the car into gear usually. And one of the main reason i never let anybody drive it but me

Maybe i should just wire the water pump to the starter relay, so theres no way i can have this problem again:shrug:
WHY DON'T YOU HAVE THE PUMP ON A RELAY CONNECTED TO A WIRE THAT IS ENERGIZED WHEN YOU TURN ON THE IGNITION!!!!!!!!! they cost $5 at advance auto parts and enough wire to wire it in is about $3....then you would not have to worry about turning it on or off....
heres a description of how to wire in the relay....when you buy a 30 amp relay it will have terminals on the bottom you need to buy the crimp on wire connectors to fit spade connector on relay and the relay should have a number for each spade connector which will be 85,86,87, will need some 12 or 14 guage wire and 18 or 22 guage wire... you need to find a good location under the hood to mount relay firewall,fender ect....then you will connect the ground wire off the waterpump to a good ground which it should be already... then you use the 12 or 14 guage wire and connect terminal #30 of the relay to the battery.. then with the 12 or 14 guage wire connect the positive side of the waterpump to the #87 terminal of the relay... then you use the 18 or 22 guage wire and connect the #85 terminal to a good ground you can use the - side of the battery.... then using 18 or 22 guage wire find a source of power that is on only while switch is in the on position and ensure its on when the car is running then connect that wire to the #86 terminal of the relay... and your done crank car and ensure the waterpump is running and your done....
oh and a kick to the gut followed by a upper-cut to the forehead than a head-bunt in the nose followed by a elbow to the Bill your killin him...J/K

but I would consider making the pump turn on as soon as you start your car.
thats not too dumb when i was racing i finished a race with the water temp at 260, the motor had popped a feeze plug and had NO water, this was 30,000 dollar motor that was two weeks old, all to qualify for a race that paid 1,000 to when, the motor was fine(thank god for amsoil) and my dad calmed down after a week or two