
Sometimes you listen to the music that fits your mood, especially when your down. Way down. Sometimes you find yourself thinking about your life, and what you would have changed. Sometimes you wish you could go back in time and make things right, the way you want it to be. Sometimes you cry, and nobody knows but you. Sometimes you want to give up and just give in. Sometimes you wonder if anyone else feels the same way you do. Sometimes you need a night for yourself, and alcohol. Like tonight. Its raining and thundering like a mother****er right now in El Paso. Perfect for the mood. Sometimes your all alone, and no one throws you a ****ing clue. I wish things were so different... so ****ing different. Sometimes someone has to know how you feel, but all you can do is write about it, and still nobody knows but you. Im lost and dont know where Im going to end up. I wont remember what I was trying to say tommorow, but I wont forget how I felt. Ive messed up big time, and theres nothing I can do. Thats life i guess. It changes so quick you dont even realize it until its too late, like I did. What if?... thats all I can think right now.

The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It
This song has a strange power over me right now, and it doesnt make any sense... like my skrewed in progress life. hahahahahahaha****inhahahahaha Im entitled to laugh at something, right? Its still raining outside.
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Punisher302 said:
life is the good and the bad.

Yep. That's inevitable. I don't care who you are ..... or what you say ..... you have good times in life & you have bad one's.

You have to take the bad with the good. You just have to learn to control that balancing scale that seems to change it's mind much too often; and make the good out-weigh the bad the best you can.

On the part about "wondering if others feel the same" ..... they sure do. Everyone. It's something intangible that sometimes leads to ignorance. Addressing that feeling helps you to overcome it. You did. We all make mistakes, and will continue to, so we have to accept that and drive on. Then, that "driving on" = wisdom.

Just my opinion. That is a great song, BTW.
I felt exaclty like this the other night, and many other nights this summer really. Ive by far had the worst summer of my life, I got left by the girl I loved, My H/C swap failed, it broke on the way to mustang week, my sole purpose for doing the H/C swap, in the process throwing over $2000 and a years worth of time and effort in the ****ter, not to mention what it will cost to fix it. And friends seem to be sparse this summer. Ive sat many a night feeling that same way, wondering that same what if. So while I cant comfort you in any way because im in the boat with you trying to paddle it, im getting nowhere, but i guess find solace in the fact someone else is in the boat with you....and alcohol :) alcohol gives me solace.
The Killers - "Smile Like You Mean It"
The meaning of this title is you don't mean it when you smile. Meaning you (not meaning "you" personally necessarily) are smiling just to smile and get along in the world. What that boils down to is that it is a song about depression or depression type thinking. Listening to songs like this is ok for relating to and perhaps learning or examining what is wrong in your life but not to play over and over if it KEEPS you down. Anyone of us could sit around moping as to what we could have done different but I think it is better to focus on goals that make you happy, moving in a positive direction and are in-line with God's overall plan..not to get too far into that one...but that is my -o. Yo ucan take it or leave it of course. Hope that helps somebody.
very eerie. I was listening to that cd when I stumbled upon some of my gf's msn logs. it wasn't a happy time. that's really strange.

I suggest you watch I heart huckabees. It might put things into perspective for you.

and some matthew good. because it's always made me feel better

Don't fail me now
Don't you even ****ing think it
We're dead somehow
But somehow we're still breathing
The secret's out
But it's too loud to think it
Whatever drowns the counting machines out
That drive you to eat ****
Damn I'll bring them to their knees

Don't leave me now
Don't you even ****ing think it
I'm not myself
But somehow I'm still being him
The secret's out
But it's too loud to think it
Whatever drowns the truffle pigs out
That drive you to eat ****
Damn I'll bring them to their knees
Jenn I'll bring them to their knees
while we're on the subject, here's a great Hardy poem:


If but some vengeful god would call to me
From up the sky, and laugh: “Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love’s loss is my hate’s profiting!”

Then would I bear, and clench myself, and die,
Steeled by the sense of ire unmerited;
Half-eased, too, that a Powerfuller than I
Had willed and meted me the tears I shed.

But not so. How arrives it joy lies slain,
And why unblooms the best hope ever sown?
--Crass Casualty obstructs the sun and rain,
And dicing Time for gladness casts a moan….
These purblind Doomsters had as readily strown
Blisses about my pilgrimage as pain.

(sorry, i'm an english minor...)
I was reading through this forum and saw this one and I was like when the hell did I write that? I member now. What a night. I just had to get that out of my system, I feel much better now. Thanks for the support fellas, I wouldnt expect anything less. I heard this before somewhere, "s*** happens, and then you wake up" Its pretty dead on, no matter what happens you always wake up the next day and have to keep on living. Thanks again guys.
I know how u feel , man.. I, myself am depressed too, and yeah that song gets u really in a low mood.. When I feel like u do now, what I try to do is keep myself pre-occupied, I, most of the time would just work on the stang, or more likely, I'll be beating on my drums (a VERY good therapy). as it gets me into "kinda angry" mode, then i'll forget about the sorrow and sh%t like that, for awhile... And guess what. when ur that low, there' nowhere else to go but up, right! Feel better bro!:SNSign:
"These purblind Doomsters had as readily strown
Blisses about my pilgrimage as pain."

basically, the same *force* that puts us through hardships also gives us happiness/joy/good things/experiences.

funny thing about the yin-yang. never really thought about it, but they're opposites (good and bad) with the seeds of one another (the little black spot in the white, and the little white spot in the black).