Man, I'll never understand the hard-on for the Alphabet Cams...especially the B-303. No offence to anyone who’s chosen to run one in their ride, but it's such a played out grind. There are so many better choices on the market. Either way, I wouldn’t attempt to use anything other than stock grind with the speed density set up. Some have had success, but it’s a lot of work to find out that it’s going to end up driving your car bonkers and you’ll have to have the computer reprogrammed or Mass Air conversion, anyway. Besides…leaving the stock heads on there, no matter how good the intake is, isn’t going to net you much more than hard gas mileage, regardless of any cam you install. If having the processor reprogrammed or Mass Air conversion isn’t in the cards, then stick with the stock grind and a set of 1.7RR. As for what kind….unless you’re screaming it out to 6500rpm shifts all the time (which you won’t) grab a set of inexpensive castings like the Crane or Scorpions and save the extra cash you’d spend on the high dollar units for a set of upgraded valve springs. But either way, I’d make at least a ported set of heads a priority before touching the cam or valve train.