Spindles, brakes and steering


New Member
Sep 20, 2005
I'm working through my Mustang II suspension on my 1965 Mustang. I've got the cross-member and a arms from Rod and Custom. I'm looking at options for drop spindles, brakes and steering rack.

One option is just to buy everything from Rod and Custom. (their website doesn't give brand names)

Does anyone have other suggestions? better or less pricey

I've seen some things available from ebay one in particular is "gearhead products" brand. But I can't find anything about that online.

Thanks for the help
Getting the whole kit from Rod and Custom makes more sense than piece-mealing it for a couple of reasons.

The guys at R&C have taken a lot of time and effort to put together a complete kit of quality parts and provide very good customer service for those parts. So what you get from them is guaranteed to fit and to work together well.

Lots of cheap crap for sale on e-bay with little or no support or quality control.

I have installed a number of different kits. R&C's kit is one of the best engineered and is a good bargain for the prices they charge. Some of the others were not 1) complete or 2) good quality.

summary: you may find cheaper or you may find better quality but you won't find better quality any cheaper.