Spring updates

After the fun we had setting the brakelines did you really wanna do anything else? Besides I wanted to clean up the battery before putting it in the nice clean tray.
Here's what she looks like now that everything is on:

Got some new ideas, minimal stuff that will be of very cool detail and not too noticeable by most, but those'll come later. No care to keep tearing this thing apart every week.
hey dave,how long do the polished items last?how often do you have to stay on top of it so that it doesn't fade out?i would love to do some polished items under my hood but i plan on driving the car alot in the summer months.
Depends on the part. The steel part of the IAC and EGR valve tend to oxidize quicker than the others, but honestly I never HAVE to really clean them up. THey just don't look as perfectly new after a few months. A short touchup w/Nevrdull or Meguiars aluminum/metal polish helps quickly. The PS bracket stays good all the time, as does the blower. Nothing really goes to hell. In my experience I've found that the less quality of a polishing job you do on it to begin with, the quicker and more often it'll deteriorate.

FWIW most of my parts are chromed now anyway and that's completely effortless to keep it looking perfect. I'd really suggest powdercoating on a daily driver. A fraction of the cost of chrome, no upkeep, and looks good. Win/win/win. Unless you're going for an all-out show car look I'd say do that.