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I got busted for it once. Dumbest thing anyone could ever do. Sure you wanna test out what you have under your wheels, but that guy found out the hard way what happens when it doesn't go right.

Sorry to hear that, and hope that deters you from doing something that might be fatal, fellow stanger. :(
yeah its pretty stupid.. everyone always thinks they have it under control.. a couple of my friends race everywhere, got a few tickets each, never learn.. i think its a pride issue :nonono:
I think organized street races are just extremely stupid. I went to one of them a couple years ago and that was my last time. These guys do the stupidest things, its just not worth getting yourself killed over. Most of the time its the by-standers that end up getting hurt. "Street Races" = :notnice:
I have raced some guy's on the street sometimes. You just cant help punching it when some guy in another stang ends up next to you at a red light. That's pretty stupid too though. I just think that if you're going to go through the trouble of organizing some races with scores of cars, you might as well take it to the track.
I usually don't ever talk about this...but a few years ago I got busted street racing.

I had done it in "organized" settings and never had a problem (some close calls though). Then one day I just happen to catch a light with a fellow stanger, 94-95 in fact, and it looked like and sounded like it had some work. Adrenalin took over and we had at it.

20 seconds later an undercover detective in a unmarked car that had been behind us, unbeknownest to us, nailed us. Got a "Speed Contest" ticket. Didn't think much about it until I found out it was a Class B misdemanor. This is essentially the same as a DUI...and the judge actually came down harder on me according to my attorney. I was possibly facing $1000+ in fines and up to 180 days in jail or mucho community service time. I ended up paying through the butt for an attorney, but worth it greatly as he got me off of all charges.

I now think very carefully before I lay into it on the streets. Gotta know when the right time and right place is. Don't let the "spirit of the moment" catch you.
yea there is some street racing that goes on around here, but its diff. not saying its right tho , but where most of you guys live in the big cities and there are people around thats very dangerous for innocent civilians but up here its a pretty small town so we usually go to the roads miles away from town and just have some fun BUT NOT A SMART MOVE TO DO.
wytstang said:
:nonono: You can never tell what is going to happen in a race street/strip if a tire blows or something there is just no way of telling.

the people that are dying arent because of stuff like that.

stuff like that happens alot more often at the track on the street

95snoozer said:
never put them selves in the situations to cause problems.

check your tires
the way the "street racing scene" works around here is....everyone goes to hand out at Dunkin Donuts on Rt. 9 and basically its just a car show in the parking lot....we hang out BS with our buddies and what not....sometimes a race, maybe a few are setup...those involved, and a couple other cars will go down the road to BJ's...someone will trip the light, and the 2 cars will go on green while everyone who went down can watch cuz BJ's is up on a hill that overlooks the road....its always done real late where there is little traffic...sure there are races where people just find a light next to someone and they go....but the real "scene" is what i not gonna lie ive street raced, and i do know its not a smart thing, but im not gonna deny it....

The bottom line is simple. Who cares about your own life? I agree with that completely. If you're dumb enough to do it to yourself then so be it. But god help you if you lose control, kill a few innocent people, and spend the rest of your life knowing in the back of your head and heart that you took the lives of people that truly didn't deserve it. Sit on that and marinate, it took me one hell of a scary situation to realize that.
Well the scenes change everywhere street racing really changed for me when I saw a get this durango pull out in front of my friend at the finish line and all 4 of the people in the durango we DRUNK. They all got out and started yelling at my friend until they realized that they had 20+ guys running at them mad as hell. Then they jetted out of there really fast. After seeing him swerve and barely miss them after winning that race I decided that I would watch from then on. Its just hard seeing a friend lose to someone you know you can beat and you can't get revenge on that person cause you can't street race; plus having 10 points on my license stopps me dead in my tracks when I think about street racing.
Big problem here is people racing in traffic. Yep.......I mean weaving in and out of traffic and usually entering the oncoming traffic lanes. You know.......a race to be first and not let the other guy get around you. I've seen guys/gals pass 10-12 cars in the "wrong lane" (oncoming traffic lane) while only hopping back over with 2-3 car lengths to spare. Usually this ends up in either a head-on collision or, if the driver is using the emergency lane (interestates) usually they end up hitting an abandoned car.

Seen plenty of head-on collisions too when "racers" run red lights that were very red.

What a crapload, huh?!