Stripes on my Stang?

Tech related, eh? Well, the stripes do make it look faster, haha. But really, I wanted to know what color stripes i should get for my car?

Thats what it looks like, just got it repainted with Metallic Gray, but I was thinking either Black or Red stripes because my interior is black and maroon/red. Thanks guys! (I was leaning towards black? Cause I have 5% tinted windows and the tires are black...etc etc)

What color goes good with Gray? I know blue goes good with silver. Black goes good with white, etc etc.
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when i had my 4 banger stang i had a white stripe...and euros...lmao i got those euros from a friend for 20 bucks but i am glad taht i did cause now i have the lx tails on my GT instead of the cheese graders
