Tailpipes showing on GTs.

88 Fox GT

Active Member
Nov 18, 2002
Anyone else find it annoying when you see a really nice GT and walk around to the back only to find some ugly tail pipes hanging out from under the rear?

I saw a really nice black GT for sale the other day and I was walking around it looking it over a little only to find tailpipes hanging out from under the back. :nonono:
Other than that and the red interior, it was really nice. :)
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I like mine hangin out :)
The turndowns do show a little bit on the stock style setup.

This is why i have an LX....nice purdy stainless tailpipes the way a Mustang should be.

I don't even like how my GT's stock tails are so hidden, i prefer the 94-98 style tips and rear bumper
Mustang5L5 said:
The turndowns do show a little bit on the stock style setup.

This is why i have an LX....nice purdy stainless tailpipes the way a Mustang should be.

I don't even like how my GT's stock tails are so hidden, i prefer the 94-98 style tips and rear bumper

I agree - and that's why I put a Cobra bumper and shiny pipes on my Fox GT :nice: