Terrorists and profiling

jikelly said:
Oh yeah I forgot how cool this thread was.
72mach1 said:
Plus Iraqi's are retarded. They blew up an ice factory because the army was buying ice from it. THEY BLEW UP AN ICE FACTORY ON A 130 DEGREE DAY! It wasnt insurgets, it was locals! stupid....
Not anymore, they blew up the ice factory!

GOD BLESS and PROTECT all of our service people around the world, for keeping us here at home safe. Thank You!
I agree with you wholeheartedly.
mike50sa said:
not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.
Uh, no.
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, Ted Kaczynski...
Although I agree that MOST terrorists have been islamic. I also agree it's not improper profiling to look at muslim men more closely than 5 year old Canadian girl scouts.
I'm just kidding. Profilling is inevitable (back to the point of the original post).

Hey, if terrorists were typically 80 yr old grandmothers, then take a closer look at them. That's just the way it is. Screw the PC crap. Most ppl understand the reality of all this. It's the far left, touchy-feely, we-don't-want-to-hurt-anyone's-feelings crowd that can't (or won't) comprehend this.

It would be nice, though, to see some outrage (or even mild disgust) from the Muslim community about how the "extremists" are behaving. The terrorists are just fundamentalists. They believe all people should die if beliefs are not aligned with theirs. They are sooooo tolerant of others, aren't they?