the toyota corvette


Active Member
Dec 19, 2002
Whats you thought??

I was just watching the news and i was wondering what everyone thinks of the big 3 automakers wanting a bailout plan......I personally think they should let them sink and not help them...they been screwing everybody making record breaking profits for the longest time crapola....LET THEM FAIL thats what i say
one of the problems is the big three make most profits from trucks/suv's. If they would allow drilling an leave the CAFE avg where it is they could get back on track. They may have to go the bankruptcy route to renegoiate their contract. Over $1,000 of the cost of every car they sell is retiree health care. The *** cars haven't build cars here long enough to deal with that an in Japan retirees go on govt health care programs. If the govt doesn't want to bail them out, fine. Just get rid of all the restrictions that are hurting them.
as much as I want to say let them fail there are too many american jobs at stake, especially wih GM and that is not what our economy needs right now. on the other hand is he bailout going to solve anything? is it going to be the solution or merely the beginning of a trend that will show other businesses nationwide that no matter how irresponsible you are the govt is going to give you a wad of cash to keep you from going under.
as much as the ford guy and the patriot in me wants to see the big three prosper, part of me wouldnt really care if all three go under because i hate new cars. Ford, for example, has the best and most numerous engine choices of any company, yet wont give them to you in the mustangs. NA 4v's are gone. Termi motors are gone. No 5.0 cammers. Lightning motors are gone. THOSE are the egnines i want, not a NA 3v.

I also do not trust all the electronic controls, especially onstar. I do not like all the gimmicks and BS. I suppose im just a pruist at heart and am perfectly happy with the simplicity of older cars. I will be driving OBD1 cars for a long time.
we dont need a bailout... we need to realize that global warming is a hoax and we need politicians to get their grimy hands out of business. drill here drill now.

the big 3 need to fire all the union workers and hire non union. they'll make quality vehicles for cheaper. like mentioned above 1,000 out of every vehicle goes to union pensions. BS.

look at detroit, the city is a dump... but the UAW building sure looks good
It all comes down to outdated management styles, failing government and the UAW. Until those PROBLEMS (that's right-I just referred to the UAW as a problem) are solved, the big three are going to continue to suffer.
It all comes down to outdated management styles, failing government and the UAW. Until those PROBLEMS (that's right-I just referred to the UAW as a problem) are solved, the big three are going to continue to suffer.

100% right!!!

old business models dont work especially a manufacturing business. Eli whitney could see this comming
unions have long outlived their designed purpose and need to disappear. They cant grant anything that an employer is unwilling to give and are unable to deliver on promises made to gain pledge dollars.
its sad i think they are going to flop!
a merge would be awesome then we can stop the Chevy vs ford debate and go pure domestic vs. import(even though i like both)!

plus they would have the potential to make the nasitiest things ever and keep there names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why wont they do it! they ae going to let other countries ruin the buis!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!