Those of you with TKO's...

How streetable are they? I plan on running a street car with somewhere in the neighborhood of 325-350 hp, but I have the chance to get a good deal on a TKO and it's hard to pass up. Is it gonna be a pain to drive around town with everyday? Thanks.
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No problem's at all man.... I incourage you to pick up the TKO, you won't regret it. There quiet, reliable, fairly smooth, and tough.... what more can you ask for? I run a TKO behind my 408 and have never had a problem with it. (I use it on the street all the time) The only part that need's a bit of improvment is the factory Tremec Shifter, which can easily be solved with a Pro 5.0 or Steeda Tri Ax etc. etc.
Keep in mind with the TKO you have to run a different pressure plate & disc than your factory 5.0 unit. The input shaft on the TKO is 1 1/8x26 (GM) were as your factory Ford shaft is 1 1/16x10.... the CF Dual Friction part number for a TKO 10.5" Clutch is DF161057, or Spec, Mcleod and tones of other's company's make a set up for your application. The slip yoke is a different spline then a T5 as well so insure the proper one is included with the trans. When you buy them new Tremec includes the proper yoke. You will need a differen't bellhousing (Mcleod, Lakewood, Tremec etc. etc.), and you will have to slightly modify your cross member. (Crossmember's are known for rusting really bad around the bushing area, check your's and insure it's still good.) Grind the factory weld's on the crossmember bushing housings off, so you can adjust the bushing housings. Adjust to were the Tremec clear's the crossmember and weld the bushing housings back in place. Either that or you could just go and buy the adj. crossmember fom FRPP. I recomend changing the factory rubber bushing's while you are at it with some Energy Susp. poly unit's, and a new energy trans. mount dosn't hurt either.
Overall It's an easy and quick swap and definetly worth it.... Go for it man.
I run a TKO in my 88 and love it. It took some force to shift the gears originally during break in, but now it is perfect. Very smooth and never have problems going into gears, I wish I could say the samething about the POS T45 I have in my cobra.