Too Short For This Mustang

So how far are you from the dashboard/kneeboard?
I'm one of the shorter guys in my circle of friends (5'7") and I can almost feel your pain. This would've been way easier for us if Ford had spent the extra dime to offer us adjustable pedals.
Well I may have found the solution. Distraction Osteogenesis. I'm not sure though, cause it's painfull as all hell, puts you out of commission for over 7 months, and costs more than most people make in a year. Anyway (for those of you slapping your heads), I tried moving the seat all over the place. Trying to find the right spot. The problem is, I'm 5'4. 5 freakin 4. So moving the seat all the way to the floor starts to impare my vision over the wheel. Not to the point where I'm like an old lady, but to the point where parking becomes a PITA. I may look into moving the entire pedal assembly back a few inches by fabbing a bracket. I'm not sure if that's possible or even legal, and dont have access to my car. The issue then would be the brake pedal, and needing an extension to the master cylinder. Another option is having the pedals replaced by custom fabbed ones, which are curved more to reach closer to the seat. Oh well. I'll get it done somehow. Any of you 5'6" guys and under know how embarassing it is to have the seat so far up.
Some good suggestions on the clutch pedal mod. Have you done the gas pedal mod?

I'm a 5'7" guy so, on the short side for sure and found that with the tri-ax handle, which is angled towards the driver and helps just right there, in the lowest position (shortest throws), that 5th gear was a stretch. Once I moved it to the higher of the two positions available, I have NO problems reaching any gear and am very comfy in the stang now even more so now that I have the Cobra seats with proper headrests and more adjustability. Have you tried a Steeda handle with your aftermarket shifter?
Yeah I did the gas pedal mod the day I got the car (took the mod hardware out of my old Mustang, and installed it into this new one). It didn't work as well as it did in the old car, but oh well. The clutch is really the only thing that needs work at this point. The shifter's not really too far away, not even in 5th, but that might change when I get an MGW short throw. I'm waiting to install a T-56 before I get the short throw though. If the clutch only required half the movement it does now, then I'd be able to move the seat back pretty far. Doesn't make up for the other setbacks in life, so Distraction Osteogenesis might just be the way to go.
wear some good sturdy shoes like some timberlands i usually wear mah timmys, and its hard as hell to drive th car now with anything else lol is the friction point on ur clutch setup all the way down to the firewall?? like do you absolutely HAVE to depress your clutch all the way to disengage??

EDIT: avoid the distraction osteogenesis man, its too painful and costly. theres gotta be a tweak for the clutch pedal..