Under drive pullys What is the best


New Member
Sep 15, 2006
Irvine CA
I am looking into getting an under drive pully to add some more HP to my V6. Anyone out there have any good or bad experiences with a certian brand or make?
How much HP did you get from it. Did you notice any problems with your AC, power windows, radio, or any other equipment after installing your pully?
What is a good price for the best pully?

Thank you folks for being so helpful.


you have a couple of choices... the ASP crank pulley or the PHP Alternator Pulley... both seem to be good for about 3 to 6 RWHP... there is just not a big gain on the V6 with a UD pulley... The ASP crank pulley will run about $300 plus you have to buy a belt... the PHP Alternator Pulley is around $160 and includes a belt...
rmays06 said:
John what does MRT charge for labor roughly for something like this?

I think the shop rate went up... not sure exactly what it is... best bet would be to give them a call...

If I had it all over to do again, I would have just stuck with the PHP Alternator Pulley... I just had to many issues with the more EXPENSIVE ASP pulley...
So you think that I would get the same HP out of the Alt pulley? You mentioned problems any specific I should know about if i do go with the ASP? I ask because my mechanic is pushing the ASP.
I just want a reliable way of making a couple extra HP without tearing my car apart.