What all is involoved in swapping to 96-98 tail lights?


Founding Member
Oct 27, 2002
OK lets get this straight NO COMPLAINTS! bla bla about swapping lights i've heard it all. It's going down no matter what.

I will be getting tails from a 98 cobra. The harnesses from the tails will come with them. So is this just a direct plug-in or is there any other crap that is involved?
First, about a gallon of gasoline or another flamable liquid. Then pour it all over the new lights( to lubricate them). By then you will be really thirsty so go ahead and swallow a few cups of the flammable liquid. Then, to make sure the surface is clean, take a match to the soaked lights, and watch the grime disapear! To extinguish use your tongue to put out the flames(shall your throat catch fire, fear not). Its a painful process but will worth it in the end.

On a real note, I dunno.... bump for you. I m pretty sure some wiring is required, and if you ARE gonna do this....you better get sequential tails!
All it takes is selling your soul, and then taking everything unique and special about your car's appearance and turning it a nice bland flavor of vanilla. Enjoy.

I was gonna say something similar...but decided to hold my fingers I knew other people would get 'em

A company really should make a set of our style lights with the "clear red" lens with the LED look....that would be awesome.
nmcgrawj said:
A company really should make a set of our style lights with the "clear red" lens with the LED look....that would be awesome.

I agree...thats the only nice thing about the vertical tails if you ask me. Our lights don't have that clear look, so yea I would gladly buy a new set of the horizontal style with clear red lenses.
You guys (and girls) should now go hang out in the 4.6L forums. Our cars are rare why make them look like everyone else.

Any of you who changed the tails want to send me there verticals, I'll take them. Let me know.
Joe I happen to be trading mine to a guy on here who wants to go back to horiz. lights. I knew everyone would be all bla bla bla BS about the whole thing. If you bought your car cause of the tails then something is wrong with you. I bought mine cause of pushrod power ok. Not have horiz. lights doesn't make a car anything but what the owner wants it to look like. I know this site is all about people opinions and some tech. My question was totally tech. Wanted to know how the harnesses worked and if any extra wiring was included. Thanks to those who gave me a straight answer. You know who you are. To those (Joe included) if you don't like the lights its your own opinion dont garb up the forum with your opinion when its not needed. Espically Joe you being a moderator I would think more of you if you would not tell me to go to another forum because the question I asked can only be answered by 94-95 owner who have done the swap. I would also think that you should be inclusive to the forum not exclusive. I have been on here since 2001 and was a believer that stangnet was superior to all other forums. When a mod. does something like that I would think he would think twice about saying go somewhere else. I'm sure now of course you dont care if someone leaves the site its no biggie to you right.

Joe I rewrote this and took out all the explitives for you if you want them there were (32). I'd be glad to send them to ya sometime have a nice day.
Hey Chris you can do what you want its your car. I like the 98 Cobra Hood with the two nostrils. Even thought about putting it my car. I have 03 Cobra rims on my car right now. I think you get the point. You want those tail lights go for it.

i agree--it was a strict tech question and we are all WELL aware of people's opinions towards the vertical/horizontal swap. in this case, such a harsh rendition of opposition was totally uncalled for, and coming from a mod makes it that much worse.