Whats the bestway to..


New Member
Dec 11, 2005
Whats the bestway to find a old car(04 cobra) myfather had?I talked with him this weekend and and today and kept finding pics of it.He told me if i could find it he would try and buy it back so well bygod ima start looking Carfax doesn't show the owners of the car I had a guy at svtp run one about 3 weeks ago.Im out of ideas of out to find it.So would anyone of yall be nice enough to
help me :SNSign:
unless you are a killer, they always have a hook up at the dmv...

But why doesn't he just call the guy he sold it to, should at least have his name. Then offer him to buy it back. or if that guy sold it ask who he sold it to and son and so forth.
grey5.0beast said:

"unless you are a killer, they always have a hook up at the dmv..."

For a steak dinner and charms blow pop you can get the information from your hook-up at the DMV (Dane Cook reference for those who aren't in the know)
i agree just contact the person he sold it to, he should still have it, or he will have the info of the person he sold it to, its an 04 car, it couldnt have gone through more then 3 owners since you sold it.
Standard Equipment | Safety Options
CARFAX Safety & Reliability Report

CARFAX Vehicle History - At A Glance
• 4 billion vehicle history events checked from public and private sources
• Qualifies - CARFAX Buyback Guarantee
• 4 owners
• Last reported mileage - 18,813 miles

A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.
Ownership History Ownership History
The number of owners is estimated by CARFAX Owners 1-2 Owner 3 Owner 4
Year purchased 2004 2006 2006
Type of owner Personal --- ---
Estimated length of ownership 1 yr. 8 mo. 3 months 12 days
Owned in the following states/provinces Alabama Alabama Alabama
Estimated miles driven per year --- --- ---
Last reported odometer reading 13,589 13,603 18,813

Title Problems Title Problems
CARFAX guarantees the information in this section Owners 1-2 Owner 3 Owner 4

3 owners or 4 iono I don't think my dad ketp the man that bought it number..
but my autotech treacher told me to take the vin to the poilce station and they would tell me.
grey5.0beast said:
he should at leats have the guys name, whitepages.com FTW

Whats up w/ the wall, everytime I walk in there I feel like stealing.



I just went to the Wall today to get deoderant and All I could think about was stealing something (I don't steal anything)...must be the lighting in there. When I came home I quoted that line to my GF and she laughed. Too funny man.

"Are you out of your F'n mind?"
"You really are out of your F'n mind!"