Whats the deal??


Founding Member
Nov 14, 2001
St. Louis
I have an 02 gt with the mods in my sig, minus the flowmaster catback, i now have a magnaflow catback.

my buddy has an 01 gt Auto, with 4.10s, diablo preadator tuner, and a mac CAI.

WHY Does he beat me??? i ran a best of 14.02 @99, and then a 14.2 @100.5 with a 2.1 60 foot

he ran 2 13.9@ 99.

What all does that diablo do? i would think that i should beat him. :shrug:
what should i but next? does an aluminum driveshaft do anything? it feels like something is holding me down, and not letting my car breathe or something. something feels restrictive.

help me, i cant lose to a stock auto gt.
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Well a tenth in the 60 is good for about two tenths in the quarter so assuming "he ran 2 13.9 @ 99" means he pulled a 2 second 60ft, I'd say it's in the launch. The MPH also shows power is similar but he's launching better, giving lower ETs.
FallenPhoenix said:
Well a tenth in the 60 is good for about two tenths in the quarter so assuming "he ran 2 13.9 @ 99" means he pulled a 2 second 60ft, I'd say it's in the launch. The MPH also shows power is similar but he's launching better, giving lower ETs.

well we are both pitching in to buy a set of drag radials, hopefully that will help.

anyone with info on the diablo predator? or aluminum drivshaft.
The diabalo predator is a hand held tuner. It allows for small things like advancing ignition input and alterning/correct shift points in the automatic for such things as gear changes. It shouldn't be giving him that much of an advantage.

If I had to take a guess, I'de say the reason he's beating you is because you're not gripping enough traction and two, since his computer is shifting for him, his shifts are more consistant and more accurate than yours.