Who can point me in the right direction? (E-brake related)

The e-brake on my car is not connected to anything. I can pull up and there is no resistance what so ever. I know the handle isn't connected to anything; I was under the car and saw both the left and right hand cables that were hanging there. Is there a cable that connects the lever to the left and right cables?

I've browsed a few parts sites but can only find a left and right cable. Perhaps I'm not looking hard enough...

Yes, there is a small center cable that the two cables hook too that hooks to your handle

It hooks up like this. Ignore thsa bracket that is riveted on the left side...that is only on 1993 Mustangs

So I was under there looking around today, and sure enough mine's missing. How or why, I don't know

Does any body know how much of a PITA to install it will be? Seems like the driveshaft is right there. Doesn't look difficult but I'm just wondering if there's more to it than hooking it to the handle in the car then hooking it up to the two cables.

Do you have stock drum brakes?

If so, where are the two cables from those? Are they just hanging there or are they missing?

It should be pretty straightforward. Order that center cable from LRS, unbolt the e-brake inside the car so you have slack to hook the two cables up to the center cable, hook them all up, then bolt the e-brake back down.

The cable prob snapped on the previous owner and dropped to the ground one day. Should be an easy fix