wierd lights today


15 Year Member
Oct 3, 2003
Bethesda, MD
this morning, on the way to work, my ABS light came on after about 15 minutes. this has never happened before. :shrug:

on the way home, the ABS light was off but the CHECK ENGINE light came on, again after about 15 minutes. again, the first time i've seen it.

on the way taking my daughter to her dance class, the CE light was off, then came on for about a minute, and then went back off.

on the way home from that, all lights off. :shrug:

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the ABS light could be.. the abs sensors, I saw you have gears and when i got mine installed they couldnt disconnect them. so with my permission they just yanked them off. they told me that they are very likely to go out on our cars. they are $65 ea and only available from ford. and from what i was told arent in stock all the time due to their demand. but, i just let mine stay on, it doesnt hurt anything. for the CE light though, how was the car running, any symptoms, computer codes? have you added any mods recently?

This may sound silly, but how old is your battery? When a battery starts to become weak, it can cause the computer to start getting false readings. The worst situation for a bad battery is either extreme cold, or extreme hot, and right now we got extreme humidity here on the east coast, so it is something to consider. I'd check the battery just for sh*its and giggles, and go from there. :shrug: