Windshield Wiper Motor Question 93?


New Member
Nov 8, 2007
Forgive me for not posting for so long. Did the windshield wiper motor change in 1993? I have a coupe I put together that I haven't been able to solve this problem. Supposedly all the wiring is from a 93. The plugs that come out of the harness for the wiper motor are not the right plugs for the wiper motor that I have-which is the same as every fox's I've seen. Maybe I haven't set my eyes on a 93 wiper motor though. I really need to get this thing inspected.

Any help is appreciated.
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I've got it figured out. I made some calls to a dealer, and some parts houses. Apparently they made two different types of window motors for foxes??. It turns out that they made a one plug motor. That was all I needed. I have never seen one on another car, but that is what it was setup for. It looks just like the later model-97, except it has a little shorter shaft.
It only took a year to figure it out.
Thanks anyway, hope this helps somebody one day.