Would You Put these Decals on Your Stang?

cronin49 said:
You self rightous guys crack me up, who put you in charge? Don't read it then, numbnuts.
This is the tech forum.. I'm not self righteous, just trying to help out the new guys discern which forum to post certain topics. Stickers are not 'TECH.'
I have them on my hood scoop. I love them. I just like to show off that I have a V8 because it upsets people in hybrid cars who care about the environment (i had one lady yell at me at a stop light telling me i was just as bad as an SUV she also had bumper stickers that said "ONE LESS DIRTY SUV" on her honda insight. )

It's also a good conversation peice too. I had some people at a coffee shop ask me what it said, (we were inside, the car was outside... obviously...) I told em, and we got into talking about cars and stuff. pretty cool.

I was just sick of ricers putting up dumb crap on their cars that said "Type R", "NOS", and local speedshop logos and decals... so, I put those decals on, boasting something i really had. Furthermore, GTO's have a "5.7" emblem on the back, and I though, "ahh what the hell. I might as well be proud too".

and my .02 about which forum it's in, I really don't care. It could be in "power adders" (since the decals add about 10hp ) for all I care. I'm not a moderator, not my call.


I bought mine on ebay, but those listed places look just as good price wise.

the bottom picture is EXACTLY what mine looks like, even down to the same paint color.
