I hate Blind dates


That is…until I whipped out my Bissell
Mod Dude
Feb 18, 2001
Seriously...they suck. I gotta vent

I just broke up with my girlfriend about a month ago. Was no big deal. Typical studly, successful guy that I am, I meet girls all the time. In fact, there is this girl i'm working on at the moment, but more on that later.

Well anyway my aunt calls me up after learning i broke up and wants to set me up with her client's daughter. I say no of course without saying i kinda sorta was working on someone. Of course i get the guilt trip...so stupid me says yes.

So i get the chicks number and give her a call right. She seems okay, wants to go get a drink tomorrow night. Thats fine. I've never seen her so she could be a total porker for all I know but whatever...it's just a drink.

The kicker is my friend called me up about a BBQ/dinner at his house tomorrow night where the girl i am actually interested in will be and was asking if i was gonna come. :mad:

SO now i'm just pissed. I'm going out with a girl i'm 99% sure i won't be interested in and I gotta hid it so nobody finds out and it gets back to the girl I am. And since she's sorta important to my aunt in terms of her client, i gotta play the good guy role throughout.

Who knows...she could be smoking hot and we click fine...but i have a feeling that won't happen
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Can you postpone the blind date? Though I can understand how that might be tough...it would suck if something good went down between you and the girl you really like and then have to go out with this other girl...that wouldn't really fly. Maybe postpone it and just never actually reschedule? haha...Good luck, I am sure you will figure out a way to work it out.
Look call the blind date chic and tell her your friend is having a BBQ and you forgot youre going. That maybe the next night would be a better time for you two to meet, etc. Go to the BBQ and have fun. Meet the other one another night. No biggie its not that difficult to change plans.
I can't reschedule due to circumstances surrounding the setup. I sorta want to get it over with before i put any effort into it anyway.

I need to stop my gloomy outlook though. She sounded halfway normal and fun on the phone.

I just got the squirrels in my head thinking "Why does she need to be setup? What's wrong with her?!"

In reality, she's new to the area, not much of a bar/club person and a little shy when it comes to going out and meeting people. Who knows
Look call the blind date chic and tell her your friend is having a BBQ and you forgot youre going. That maybe the next night would be a better time for you two to meet, etc. Go to the BBQ and have fun. Meet the other one another night. No biggie its not that difficult to change plans.

Ummm, no, won't work. She'll be butt hurt because he didn't want to take her to the bbq. Think man, THINK! :fuss:

Mike, just think positive. It's all you can really do at this point. :nice:
Who knows you might have a great new gal to meet, go for it, put your best charming foot forward with her. See where it leads.

I remember back in my younger days, a similar instance. I was on a date with one girl when the girl that i was going out with the next day followed me and wanted to talk. I brushed her off and cancelled the date for the next day. It wasn't her night :D

Oh yea, I married the one that I was on the date with.:D
If it doesn't work out on the blind date and you aren't feeling it, get otta there and do 210 over to the BBQ.

or I live about an hour or so from you, she hasn't seen you before either, we could have our own seinfeld episode :rolleyes::D. I'll play you with her, you will be at BBQ :nice:.
or I live about an hour or so from you, she hasn't seen you before either, we could have our own seinfeld episode :rolleyes::D. I'll play you with her, you will be at BBQ :nice:.

I think you should do that and keep us posted as to the results. That would be funny.

No, really, go out with the new girl, it could be something really good. Who knows?
Be strait up with her from the start. Tell her you're just testing the waters again since getting out of your relationship and are actively dating but aren't looking for anything serious at this point. If she's half way normal, she'll understand and be cool with it.....if she's not, she'll probably stab you in the chest with the salad fork? :shrug:
If you cannot get out of it, go for drinks only. No dinner. You don't want to spend too much time with her because of the BBQ. You will have way more fun at the BBQ due to the fact that your friends and the girl you like are there. If she already asked your friend if you'd be there, you better go.

Don't tell the new girl about the BBQ, and don't tell your friends or immediate family about the date with the new girl. People always slip up. You can always cut the date short. Go for one or two drinks and that's it. Tell her you don't like to drink a lot when you drive, and tell her you will call her again, but don't give her a definate date.

You'll be fine bro. Don't brush the girl off, because you never know what will happen with the girl you like. When dating different girls, it's nice to have somebody on the back burner.
If you cannot get out of it, go for drinks only. No dinner. You don't want to spend too much time with her because of the BBQ. You will have way more fun at the BBQ due to the fact that your friends and the girl you like are there. If she already asked your friend if you'd be there, you better go.

Don't tell the new girl about the BBQ, and don't tell your friends or immediate family about the date with the new girl. People always slip up. You can always cut the date short. Go for one or two drinks and that's it. Tell her you don't like to drink a lot when you drive, and tell her you will call her again, but don't give her a definate date.

You'll be fine bro. Don't brush the girl off, because you never know what will happen with the girl you like. When dating different girls, it's nice to have somebody on the back burner.

Dude, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

I'm off to the BBQ right now for round 1....and then going for drinks only with the other chick later tonight.

I still would rather not go. I just hate the entire situation of meeting someone i've never met before. I am a very picky person when it comes to physical appearance. That's not to say i only date supermodels, but there are certain features and style of dress I like in a girl and if it's not there i lose interest quickly even if they are an awesome person. Shallow I know, but everyone has their tastes.
If you cannot get out of it, go for drinks only. No dinner. You don't want to spend too much time with her because of the BBQ. You will have way more fun at the BBQ due to the fact that your friends and the girl you like are there. If she already asked your friend if you'd be there, you better go.

Don't tell the new girl about the BBQ, and don't tell your friends or immediate family about the date with the new girl. People always slip up. You can always cut the date short. Go for one or two drinks and that's it. Tell her you don't like to drink a lot when you drive, and tell her you will call her again, but don't give her a definate date.

You'll be fine bro. Don't brush the girl off, because you never know what will happen with the girl you like. When dating different girls, it's nice to have somebody on the back burner.

:lol::rlaugh: Listen to ol' pimp master up there. "it's nice to have somebody on the back burner"...lol going from project "hack Job" to project " pimpin' aint easy" lol YOU ARE MY HERO....
Dude, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

I'm off to the BBQ right now for round 1....and then going for drinks only with the other chick later tonight.

I still would rather not go. I just hate the entire situation of meeting someone i've never met before. I am a very picky person when it comes to physical appearance. That's not to say i only date supermodels, but there are certain features and style of dress I like in a girl and if it's not there i lose interest quickly even if they are an awesome person. Shallow I know, but everyone has their tastes.

That's going to make it very difficult to find someone with a great personality that you can be truely happy with. :(