03 Cobra


New Member
Jun 13, 2005
Im looking at getting an 03 cobra sometime next year. I was wondering what would be a good price when looking for one of these. And of course are there any specifics i should look for weat and tear on body wise or engine wise? Thanks
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hopeful03cobra said:
Im looking at getting an 03 cobra sometime next year. I was wondering what would be a good price when looking for one of these. And of course are there any specifics i should look for weat and tear on body wise or engine wise? Thanks
A good price? 20K? :shrug: I would think that's a "good" price! As for wear & tear... if it has an aftermarket pulley you can pretty much guarantee it's been driven hard.

hopeful03cobra said:
Im looking at getting an 03 cobra sometime next year. I was wondering what would be a good price when looking for one of these. And of course are there any specifics i should look for weat and tear on body wise or engine wise? Thanks

To many variables right now to say about next year. Where do you live for one? If you live in a cold weather state buy one in the winter time, the market will be more in your favor then.
Have a mechanic or a friend who knows about Cobras look over it. Drive it, turn the radio etc off and roll down the windows, listen to it.