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I have some left over Celebrex from shoulder surgery...

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Lol, that's fine. Ibuprofen are doing the trick. How'd your surgery go?
It was painful for he first 2 nights. The shoulder was pretty tight but after my first physical rehab session it started to loosen up quite a bit. I have full range of motion back. I think I'm ahead of schedule. Shoulder felt good enough to work on the mustang. Got the door panels off anyways gotta replace the door lock actuators

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Right on man, I'm glad to hear you're doing well.
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How is that thumb of yours anyhow? I'm going to screw things up for Mike, but he has a pretty high opinion of you.
Hey Mike, when you get a chance, post a picture of that heavy duty bourbon you have. I want to buy a bottle, I just need to see if it's out of my league financially.
Uhh, let me say this about that Dave....

Don't buy that stuff just yet.
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The Count of Monte Cristo - the newer version
Wait, have thousands of great movies to choose from,....No, scratch that,....... TENS OF THOUSANDS of movies to choose from,......and What movie is your #1 of all time movie again?

The Count of Monte Crisco?

Isn't that a movie about shortening?
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