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I'm back at the house at noon today, and set out getting the car ready to black out the window frame on the driver side. While I'm masking it, I decide to quit tearing the paper off, and cut it clean w/ a box cutter instead.

If I'd only made sure that my left index finger was out of the way first.

I've cut myself a dozen times in one way or another over the last 40 years while working. Most of the time just an uncomfortable, inconvenient nick that requires a bandaid, or a paper towel wrapped in some black, or masking tape, and I'm back at it.
Not so this time.

This time I got the finger good.

And,.....I knew it.

I dropped the knife folded my finger closed to keep it from bleeding like mad, and ran upstairs to wash it and see if it was bandaid material, but found out immediately that it was not. (I could see white at the bottom of the cut)

The next minute was spent yelling the same word over and over at the notion of having to go to the doctor, and lose the rest of the day sitting in their clinic for what had to at least amount to stitches.

After having said fck at least a dozen times, I resigned myself to the fact that I was gonna have to lose the rest of the day, and go in.

Once there I added a few additional F words to the collection for the day when I see several cars in the parking lot, and at least 5 people sitting in the waiting room......Yep,...this day was fcked.

At the window, the rudimentary sign in, followed by the "And why am I here" brings my first pleasant surprise of the day.

** In my whispered, quiet, secret voice......

When you cut yourself, you go to the head of the line.

So, the take away here is the next time you go to one of these "Doc in the Boxes" for a sinus infection, be sure to cut the p iss out of yourself so you don't have to wait.

The window lady asks if it was bad, and i replied that I wouldn't be there if it wasn't, and I'm instantly admitted to trauma room 1. The nurse comes in for her triage inspection, and she asks the same question, followed by my same answer....... But she just wants to look at it to be sure.

"Yep, you cut the piss out of yourself".

She has another person call the doctor out of the room where he was talking to some other person, and he looks at it.

"Ohhh I can see your tendon!! Can you approximate the digit?"

"Whaaattt? Don't tell me that you can see deep stuff in a cut,..that's like telling me you can see intestines... An how do I approximate my digit?"

"Can you touch your index finger to your thumb?" He puts it in layman terms.

I prove that I could.

"Well, the good thing is that you haven't damaged that tendon, elsewise, you'd be seeing a specialist,....I can fix you up right here, right away." Says Doc, Adding "You allergic to anything?"

"Needles, and sucheres is all I know of". I replied in smart ass.
The equally smart ass Dr. replies "Well then, this place is gonna be a crime scene."
Everybody has their laughs, and the Dr. gets down to business. 30 minutes later, I back at home with 3 stitches, and an aluminum splint on a finger that was completely numb.

I go back to the place I was before all of the carnage,...realizing that this splint is now a bonafide paint trasher.
(I decide to wrap it in paper towels as an extra layer of protection against that probability.)

And do what I set out to do.

What does the finger say?

What's not in the picture, Is the completely color sanded, and partially buffed driver side quarter. It sands fairly quickly w/ 2000.
Now, If I can just keep from buffing the body lines through to the sealer,..I'll be golden.
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Fck Mike, I can't leave you for a minute.....

Avoid letting it get to gangrene. That's bad. Bright side is you can ask Kate to smell your finger with impunity now. (Gangrene stinks real bad btw)

Hope it heals well.
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After looking at those pictures (of the car at least) I think it's a good thing I don't live close to you. I'd be wasting away my weekends with you and the monster!
Reactions: 2 users
After looking at those pictures (of the car at least) I think it's a good thing I don't live close to you. I'd be wasting away my weekends with you and the monster!
WHOO HOO... Mike and Dave Show part 3.... lol

Sorry about your finger Mike-glad it wasn't worse.. The black trim looks great against the orange
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After looking at those pictures (of the car at least) I think it's a good thing I don't live close to you. I'd be wasting away my weekends with you and the monster!
Does that mean you're somehow obliged to see the car to completion, or that you think I'm gonna fck up your paint job?
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I have done that once. It came apart and took me a few attempts, but it did work in the end.
I'm here to tell all you tough guys, that there was to be no "glueing back together " of my finger.
For one thing, that's why they have doctors.
For another, I prefer not to wake up in a pool of blood on the floor after passing out from the failed attempt at finger glueing.
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Your dogs would probably like it though.

They would think you're spending quality time with them.
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Except cats. They would probably eat you. Especially the one the monster/Mike tried to de fur
Nahh,...I'd be concerned about "That Keds." (The big mix breed)

Whatever the characteristic of the dominant breed is,........ he smells blood.
Even a small scratch. I'll be sitting here, and he comes up and starts licking the scratch (That I didn't even know I had).

If there was a pool of blood,......I don't think he'd stop after all of that was licked up.
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