1st vancouver meet


#1 is classic !

Ok that is soooo awesome!!!!!!! Can't wait for the next meet!
Its definitely going to be good! I think we all had a really good time, and are looking forward to getting everyone in the area involved! I really enjoyed everyones company and meeting new faces, you can garuntee more in the future!

Why Beaverton is better then Vantucky! (Response)
1. We drive mustangs but the difference is they are not our daily drivers.
2. We actually have people at our Starbucks since it stays open 24/7.
3. Our cops only run over Washington people because they can't read the "DON’T WALK" sign.
4. We know where the speed traps our, we just don't care to tell you.
5. We only have 4 photo/radar spots which for some reason you guys go threw them and smile like you’re on a TV commercial. Red means Stop!!! It doesn't mean you redlighted an F'it and keep going.
6. They never hassle anyone unless Misha is here.
7. It's all about the Beaver!
8. Bill-It sometimes gets in the fast lane but only when he's mad at a girl or chasing one.
9. No comment!
10. That's because they beat all the slow mustangs up there and want to see the fast ones.

you will have to join us next time. peace


LOL ... We wondered if you or ed would chime in I guess Steves's 10 ten did the trick....
i knew i should have gone. would have been the only bmw lol but i needed to get up at 5:45 for drill. might have gone if i didnt have a fitness test for rank today. i did pass by the way so now im a segeant.

Nice! Sgt. Scoobs. Do you have to go to BNCOC this summer? I have my APFT next week, only my score completes my waiver for the brigade doctor.