Roush 3-Piece Sterns on eBay...

$5000 Reserve? Why else would the new buyer bid over and over to beat themsevles?

User ID Bid Amount Date of bid

ossyerick ( 0 ) US $5,000.00 Sep-28-05 20:41:54 PDT

ossyerick ( 0 ) US $4,500.00 Sep-28-05 20:41:27 PDT

ossyerick ( 0 ) US $4,400.00 Sep-28-05 20:41:08 PDT

ossyerick ( 0 ) US $4,200.00 Sep-28-05 20:40:34 PDT

ossyerick ( 0 ) US $4,100.00 Sep-28-05 20:40:17 PDT

ossyerick ( 0 ) US $4,000.00 Sep-28-05 20:04:48 PDT

mangeira6 ( 58) US $3,800.00 Sep-26-05 22:04:11 PDT

ossyerick ( 0 ) US $3,600.00 Sep-28-05 20:04:18 PDT

ossyerick ( 0 ) US $3,500.00 Sep-28-05 20:03:50 PDT

ossyerick ( 0 ) US $3,300.00 Sep-28-05 20:01:49 PDT

ossyerick ( 0 ) US $3,200.00 Sep-28-05 20:01:16 PDT

ossyerick ( 0 ) US $3,010.00 Sep-28-05 20:00:52 PDT

302bossman ( 110) US $2,900.01 Sep-28-05 17:35:04 PDT
Mike is correct.

To be honest I remember that Ebay id bidding on other Saleen items including the red car that went along with this auction the first time it sold months ago. I think that mangeria6 bid was the last legit bid.

Forget about the tires look at it this way. For a similar 3 piece wheel by HRE, Forgeline or Kinesis you are going to pay at least a grand each for 4 wheels and most importantly they are not Sterns. I would have given the guy 4 large for the wheels but he would have to cut those tires off them first so $3,800 for the set with tires is not a bad deal.

Oh yea, the winner has ZERO feedback. Looks like a shill bidder to me. That's why I have a love-hate relationship with ebay. I'd say 10-1 we will see these wheels come back on ebay within a month.
I bought a set of Sterns off ebay a few years ago for about a 1/4 of what these went for. I wonder what they would be worth after they are refinshed and the centers have been bored and resized. I think these Sterns were shipped in from Japan. My understanding is that they use them on the 300Z over there.


They are from Japan. Saleen had them made for them in our mustnag offsets. They are a lot of guys who run them on their Fairladys. Also, they are a huge hit with the Supra.
I knew something wasn't right with that auction. $5K for the wheels and tires is way outragious. I'm with Marcus, I would have him dump the tires instantly. When I bought mine they had tires on them and I told the guy to lose the tires. I bought new rubber for mine anyway. It will be interesting to see if they go back up on ebay. I'm guessing not as the guy will no doubtfully know he's been found out.

Center boring the STERNS to fit the Saleen isn't a hard task, took me all of 30 minutes to do them on the Lathe at work. Being a machinist helps too, hahahaha......