4th of July Car Show- Spent the day cleaning her up


Dirt-Old 20+Year Member
Feb 9, 2003
I spent most of the day today cleaning the pony up for this show. The real pita was the undercarriage. It does look better now, but its tough to keep one looking nice driving it everyday. Here are some before and after pics. I'll post back tomorrow night how the show was, probabley some pics too.

Thanks guys. Teal, my hard work just about killed me today. I ain't no spring chicken anymore (36 now). The leg muscles and arms were killing me today. The undercarriage detailing is just a bit overkill It ended up raining on the way up to the show, about 45 minutes away. So I had to hit the car wash before arriving there. Car turned out great after some more sweating and hard work.

The show awarded top 50 and also top 4 to the top mustangs. I got one of the top 4 mustang awards!!!! Man, talk about excited. I will post up a pic of the award, I will have it in about 2 weeks. It is supposed to be a plaque with a picture of my car on the front of it

Here are some pics from the show and a link that you can see some more I took.
