6 days of the new hatch and this happens.

Time for an alarm system or ignition kill switch.I went the alarm route when someone tried to pop my passenger side lock a year or two ago.Haven't had a problem since......*crosses fingers* At least they didnt get your car.
That F IN SUCKS RYAN one of the reasons when i go anywhere i dont let my car out of my site sucks to have to do that but if somebody got the balls im gonna be there!. I take my car to work once a month the whole day im worried even tho im in a secured lot with cameras.

Ryan did the jerk off scratch your car
Shoot them in the face. It's the only cure for thiefs.

Amen. Unless in a secure locatiion, my Mustang is always in range of my firearm. I am always never more than a few steps away from a firearm.

I know that except in Texas you can't kill to protect private property, so I won't kill, but there are things worse than death.

My former neighbor caught some punk breaking into his car, his brother held the guy at gun point while he beat the tar out of him. When the cops got there they didn't really care what the thief had to say and would not even take his side of the story, I love Georgia. We arn't hardcore like Texas, but we're not freindly to criminals like they are up north.

I love that story!! This country is getting too populated with thieves and people who feel sorry for them when they are caught. Depressing!
I love that story!! This country is getting too populated with thieves and people who feel sorry for them when they are caght. Depressing!

There are only two reasons someone would feel sorry for a thief:

1. They are thieves themselves.
2. They are so sheltered and ignorant they have no conception of what it is like to be the victom.

I will not have anything to do with these people.

It's more than just the value of what is stolen or broken, its about the violation. I strongly belive that most thieves the violation things is a big reason why they do it. They love getting one up on someone. Try to get on up on me, they will be six feet down.
Time for some hidden kill switches an an alarm. Not foot proof, but the more things you can do, the harder it is on the thief.

I won't go into my security details, but I have quite a few.

Not in Texas, I can shoot someone trying to steal my neighbor's car and I'd be in the clear.

I'm not going to argue with you at all considering that in CA, especially the LA area that would be 100% true. We have catle doctrine and pro-self defense laws. Now, if the trigger is pulled, I don't care where you are all hell is going to break lose. Last year my former boss caught some guy stealing scrap metal and held him gun point until the sherrifs got there. What I am saying is that around in my neck of the woods, we don't assume that just because someone has a gun, they are the bad guy. Around here the good guys are the one's that carry the guns the most, and that makes a criminal career very dangerous.
Not in Texas, I can shoot someone trying to steal my neighbor's car and I'd be in the clear.

Hey, us Georgian's are almost there. But damn right, that's how it should be. What is glorified in rap videos is target open season hunting in Texas. One thing I don't understand about TX is no Open Carry... come on, texas invented open carry. I don't OC but CC shouldn't be the only option.

It's been on the table a couple of times in the past and never made it through. The girl that got CC pushed through is making an effort to get open carry legal, so we might get it in here in the near future. I'll still CC though, I like blending in.
I highly doubt that you'd be able to shoot a thief who is stealing someone else's car without receiving any negative legal repercussions.

Actually, in TX, i beleive you can.

It's been discussed before in other threads, but i beleive if your neighbor asks you to watch over his property, and you see someone trying to break into his car or house, you can legally shoot him since your neighbor gave you permission or something like that.

In most other states though, shooting somoeone over property can get you in big trouble. I beleive you are only allowed to use deadly force if your life or someone else's is threatened. If someone's stealing your car and you start blazing rounds out your window, you are gonna get in trouble.

Sucky idea, but i can see the case for why shooting someone stealing property would be "excessive". I've always wondered what is deemed "appropriate force" if someone is stealing your car. If it's some punk kid and they run off when you yell at them, then i don't think you could really shoot the kid. However if it's some hardened gangster who wants your turbo civic and confronts you...then i think you could shoot him (life in danger)


in Komiefornia, yes, in the free states not a chance

i'd rather be shot in the face, than what i would do to someone trying to steal my car